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The others yelled and charged for each other. The fights began. I left kazurora alone. My fight wasn't meant for him.

I could hear smileys laughing as I went near him.

Smiley: hey y/n.

He punched a guy in the guy sending him towards me. I smiled knowing what he wanted. I raised my leg kicked the guys back sending him back to smiley and he clocked him in the side of the face knocking him out. We did that quite a bit during our fights. We both laughed and I was off again after we high fived.

Smiley: stay safe pretty lady!

Me: I always am. You too, smiley.

I began the fighting and I jumped kicking a guy right in the face then punched his gut. I seen chifuyu do the same thing. Then angry elbow a buy in the back of the neck. I laughed since the guy got knocked out.

I made sure to always be looking around while fighting. I'm good at multitasking. I had to make sure nobody needed help.

I seen kazutora and mikey going to fight. And draken and Hanma going to fight. I gasped a little. I knew I shouldn't be worried. But I was.

I was so focused I didn't even realize somebody was coming for me. I was kicked in the side and was sent flying a little hitting the ground hard.

Baji: y/n!

He ran towards me helping me up. Smiley came running as well.

Baji: I won't hurt her. I never will.

Smiley: go.

Baji ran back off and smiley took my side.

Smiley: what happened.

Me: lost focus. I was kicked.

Smiley: kick some ass. You're tough!

Me: right.

We started running at two people. Smiley punched one in the face and I kicked another in the gut. They both collapsed and we went to fight others.

Chifuyu was helping takemichi thank god. The fighting continued. I pushed my thoughts away going blank and numb. My resting bitch was on and I was kicking peoples ass front right and centre.

I seen Draken getting ganged up on. So I ran to him punching every guy in the face who came close to me. Mitsuya was with him as well.

Draken: y/n!

Me: I saw Hanma and other gang up on you.

Mitsuya: we're all good.

Draken: are you?

Me: y-yea. How's mikey?

Mitsuya: don't know.

Draken: he will be perfectly fine. You know that

Hanma: what's the hold up Draken. Gonna fight me or not?

Me: I will!

I ran towards him as the two guys went to block me that were infront of him. I punched them both in the gut then punched Hanma in the face. I knew how bad my hits hurt. But he still laughed.

Hanma: I don't like hitting girls to much.

Me: I. Hate. You.

He just picked me up like I was just some stick off the ground and tossed me to the side making me land on my ass.

I got back up to my feet quickly. I went back to my people's side. Draken started stretching his legs. We were getting prepped to fight.

We all charged back into the fight kicking ass once again. All the guys had a fire lit under their asses who were scared to fight. Now Draken didn't have to worry about them. Him and I were knocking most people on their assed every step we took.

All of them were now are on the ground laying down. Hanma and draken went back to talking then Draken went for the fight. The fight shall begin. I swore Hanma was a psychopath.

Draken sent him flying into a wall cracking it. Yet Hanma was still smiling.

I was looking around trying to find mikey. I knew Draken had everything and if needed, he had mitsuya and the others.

I finally found him with two other Valhalla guys and kazurora on the far opposite side of where I was.

I nodded towards mitsuya pointing to mikey. He nodded back and I started running towards mikey.

I seen kazurora kick mikey down but mikey blocked it easily. He lost his jacket. The two tried to fight him. He sent one back a little and went to do it again but he jumped so mikey broke one of the junkyard cars a little.

I got closer to the cars and seen mikey was kicked. The two guys went to attack him ur mikey kept fighting. He doesn't go down easily.

That's my boyfriend. I'm very proud to say.

Then kazurora hit mikey with a pipe. He dropped and I screamed.

Me: mikey!

I ran up the cars doing my best to get up there. I heard the team yelling to mikey. Then to me.

Draken: y/n get down!

Me: no!

Smiley: kill them!

I saw mikey get back up thankfully. I was relieved he didn't die from the blow. But I guaranteed he was hurt. These cars were a pain to get up.

I finally got up close to mikey. Then I was kicked in the gut back down a little by one of the guys. But my adrenaline overpowered the pain.

Mitsuya: be careful y/n!

Me: I'm fine!

Draken: for gods sakes. Careful!

I looked up to see the two guys holding mikey and kazurora hitting him with the pipe. It angered me even more.

I continued to climb back up. At least tried to. These cars were a bitch.

I finally got up and and mikey head butted a dude and I kicked the other one down the car hill. Mikey kicked kazurora in the face knocking him down.

Mikey was pissed and his face scared me a little but I didn't care. I was worried i may lose him.

I ran up to him and cupped his cheek before kissing him. It was a passionate one. A thankful you're still here one. I didn't care if there was blood on his face at all.

He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around him as well. I backed from the kiss and hugged him tighter than ever.

Me: I- i thought you were gonna die. Mikey-

Mikey: I'm okay. I promised you didn't I?

Me: y-yea.

He backed me up a little and cupped my cheeks. He used his thumbs and wiped my tears.

Mikey: you're stupid for coming up here for me.

Me: I guess love makes you do crazy things.

Mikey: yea. I guess it does.

The other leader (mikey x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora