1.1. This Is Where It Starts

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Hello, Ahola, Namaste, Vanakkam  and every other greeting in the world. 

This is me starting a new book without finishing other books because I'm an absolute dunderhead. But hey this isn't a story... it is a collection of short stories. Mythological short stories to be precise. 

I'm a huge fan of mythology, ancient literature over modern literature any day... that's me. I am huge fan of the world building, recounting and the word play. I like and explore all the mythologies, Hindu, Greek, Pagan, Celtic, Roman, Norse, Asian and anything else. If there are more that I've not heard of do share with me. I am not an expert on a few of them... so, if I do make any mistakes, feel free to correct me. 

Also, I am a hindu by birth and by choice. so, Hindu mythology is history to me. I am slightly biased to it and this book will have more stories from Hindu mythology than any other. Because I'm more versed in it. 

Also, these are stories first and foremost, fictional or historical. I won't rub my beliefs on you and you don't rub yours on mine. Let's not spread hate and propaganda.... let's spread love and peace.

Meet you-

Oh wait, I've used several pieces of art throughout the book. I won none of it. If I did I would tell you. All credits to the owners whom I don't know and I can't tag. If you recognize any of your art over here and can show me that it is truly yours, then it would be my pleasure to give you the credit. 

So, let's do this again...

Meet you in the next chapter.

Also, a few tags for shameless promotion... Sorry if I bothered any of you...










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