Chapter 48: Ash

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Although it was impossible to see the creature yet, the images in Ash's mind were vivid enough that it felt like the beast was right in front of him. The hissing was only very faint, but he couldn't mistake it for anything else. They had passed the same creature on a mission in the Fourth Dimension and chose not to engage, so they had to hide while it went by them, all the while making just the sound Ash was hearing so clearly now.

He didn't have to look at Nix to know that she also heard the monster. They took off at a deliberate yet swift run, moving agilely between the trees and avoiding any noisy foot falls that could alert the beast to their presence prematurely.

Ash's mind was racing, part of his focus committed to his surroundings and Nix's presence next to him, another going through everything that he knew about this creature. In these moments he sometimes cursed himself for not paying more attention to Alex's ramblings because he had probably talked about this creature one time or another. Nevertheless, in Ash's experience most well-strategized plans still ended up with him fighting the demonic things he came across head-on. But maybe he had himself to thank for that.

He did remember some of its senses being heightened and others being limited; he hopefully didn't mess those up. It was either smell or taste that was extraordinarily astute. And was it hearing that wasn't great? Or the other way around?

They were getting closer to the beast with each step, but every time Ash was sure that they were nearly upon it, the hissing sounds moved far away. After a fourth instance of this, Ash could swear that the hissing seemed a lot like snickering.

He might have imagined that last thing, but it did make him think about the creature's behavior. They were just about to jump over a stream when he put a hand on Nix's shoulder. She looked at him questioningly but didn't reproach him.

He took a moment to think. Usually, these Fourth Dimensional breaches produced creatures that were more than ready to fight the first Soul Hunter they came upon, actually being pulled towards the nearest person in their vicinity. But this creature was different. Nix and he had to be the closest Soul Hunters by far, but it just kept them running after it, seemingly waiting for them to catch up before it moved on again.

Ash pointed to the stream and stepped into it, beckoning Nix to follow.

"Diffuse the scent," he said in an extremely low voice, both in tone and volume. He could vaguely recall a time when some teacher from a long while ago told him that this creature couldn't hear very low or high tones.

Nix nodded and moved into the stream with Ash. They tried to wash off some of their scent as much as the shallow stream allowed. Then they moved forward again, this time at a slower, even more careful pace. When they got closer to the hissing sound and it didn't immediately move away again, Nix gestured for them to approach the creature from the side. Simultaneously, they took out their weapons, circling the unmoving source of hissing.

Nix nocked an arrow in her drawn bow. As long as they had the element of surprise, that could provide a swift means to end the monster. But she was packing more than enough other sharp objects in case that didn't work. Ash unsheathed his large sword, preparing himself for providing a violent distraction so that Nix could put that bow to use for the more vital task of dealing with this monster.

Taking out its eyes.

They took one more step forward and it was as if they entered a whole new world. In a clearing in front of them was one of the largest monsters Ash had ever seen. It filled the whole clearing, coiling around the edges, its scales pressing up against the trees. Its head swung sideways, focused on the direction Ash and Nix had come from. Its jaws hung open, revealing wickedly long, yellow fangs.

The basilisk.

Shit, Ash thought.

He looked at Nix, she was standing behind the nearest tree that would shield her from the deadly glare, bow drawn. She nodded and without thinking, Ash jumped.

He landed on top of the scaly hide of the enormous snake, running at fun speed towards its tail. Limited hearing or not, him jumping on top of the snake didn't go unnoticed.

It let out a hissing so violent and loud that Ash's ears popped. It reared its head and snapped at Ash, who would've been eaten alive, had he not taken another quick leap, using the momentum from the snake's moving body to propel him forward. The large fangs just missed him, and it took a bite out of a tree.

Ash heard the twang of a bow string being released and then the fleshy thud of the arrow finding its mark. The basilisk reared angrily, turning to the origin of the arrow, immediately spotting Nix's red hair fleeting away between the trees.

His jump had been so forceful that he dropped off the snake's body and landed in the middle of the valley, surrounded by enormous scaly walls all around. This was certainly not a strategic position for him, but if he didn't act now, Nix was as good as dead. 

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