Chapter 39

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Faithanne ― no, Mrs. Ravensdale ― ended up finding some excuse to get rid of Hailey. The woman didn't say a single rude word, but Hailey got the impression that she was glad to not spend another minute with her. Ash and his mother quietly argued about which of them would show Hailey the room. Then some boy joined the conversation and both Mrs. Ravensdale and Ash sighed deeply before taking off.

After a bit of an awkward silence the boy said, "Hello, I suppose."

Hailey laughed and said, "Hey. I'd tell you my name, but I'm guessing you already know, right?"

"Indeed, I do, but we can pretend I do not, for the sake of pleasant conversation." His accent wasn't as harsh as his mother's was, neither was his voice firm like Ash's. He sounded much softer, and it was pleasant to listen to him.

He put his hand out to Hailey. Apparently, he was informed on the human ways of greeting. She really hoped she wouldn't have to learn to bow or curtsy or something. She was happy to take his hand.

"I am Alex, how are you?"

"I'm Hailey," she replied with a smile playing on her lips.

Was it her or was Alex the first Soul Hunter to be truly welcoming? She couldn't help but notice how much Alex ― or, if Hailey remembered correctly, Alexandre Raiden Alborn, Ash's little brother; she was good with names ― didn't resemble Ash even a little bit. Alex was about Hailey's height and Ash was certainly taller than that. Alex's hair was a lighter shade of brown than Ash's too and it was a lot messier. The outer rings of his irises were blue, but his inner ring was an interesting shade of green. The ring of blue didn't even look like the kind of blue of Ash's eyes. There was also something distinctly intelligent about the way Alex looked at her. Something that, despite his many layers, Ash didn't convey in the same way. Alex's jawline was also less of a sharp line like his older brother's, it was softer and gave his whole face a kind character. Most different of all, he looked less damaged.

"I'm fine, nice to meet you," she added.

"Thank you. You are seventeen, correct?" he asked, and Hailey nodded. "Yes, me too."

"Could you show me where the room at the very end of the hall of the East part of the house is?" she asked. Alex gave her a huh-look and Hailey assumed it was a questioning huh, but it might've been a well-that-is-interesting-huh. "Your mother mentioned it when she and Ash were talking."

"Arguing, more likely," Alex offered with a roll of his eyes. Then he waved Hailey to follow him, and they walked side-by-side into the house. The front garden was huge, with all the bushes neatly trimmed and alive with the blood-red colored roses. It didn't prepare her in any way for what she found inside.

The immensity, the diamond chandelier, the stairs, the thick, patterned carpet, the wall prints, the lanterns that gave off a different type of light than Hailey was used to, even the weird kind of decor. It was a bit unnerving how big even the entry hall was. What did that say about the rest of the house?

"A bit overdone if I do say so myself," Alex said jokingly. Hailey didn't know how to reply. She lived in a tiny cottage and Ash lived in this... this mansion. Yeah, this was definitely the definition of mansion.

Hailey started to make her way to the wide stairs when she realized Alex went another way. Off to the left side there was a small indent covered in shadows. When they came closer a door became clear, but it was easily missed otherwise.

Alex opened the small wooden door for Hailey and let her pass. She was afraid to go first, thinking she might take a wrong turn, but her worry was unfounded. The tiny hallway only had one direction. She had more reason to worry about bumping her head on the low ceiling. The tiny hallway was unlit, and Hailey couldn't even properly see her own feet. There were no windows, no fine tapestries, and no carpet. Only some steep stairs that led up to somewhere unknown ― it made Hailey remember the nightmare where she had been falling in nothingness ― she only discovered the steps after bumping her big toe against the first one.

"This is just a shortcut, not to worry. I am the only one who still uses it," Alex explained kindly. Despite his reassurance, she still felt uncomfortable. She felt like she was being led to the dungeons, apart from the fact that they were going up.

When they finally reached the last step, there was another door. Fortunately, Hailey's hand met it before her head did. She fumbled for the handle but couldn't find one.

"Um Alex," she said.

"Oh, yes. My apologies, I shall open it." His arm passed Hailey and did something to manipulate the door to open. Hailey had no clue what exactly, it was too dark to see, but it opened so it didn't really matter. The light was blinding after being in the dark for so long. Hailey blinked. "Left again." Alex pointed at the far end of the hall.

Compared to the entry hall, this hall didn't look that impressive. It was however better than those minutes of darkness. There was less décor, but the few small paintings were beautiful and the iron that was holding the lamps had curly shapes. The carpet and the wallpaper were the same style, if only a little dustier. The paint on the doors was a little faded, but nice all the same.

It seemed like the hall wasn't visited regularly. Hailey guessed all the brown doors hid bedrooms so it must have been one of the far sides of some sort of guest wing. A house with such size was expected to have a couple deserted hallways. Despite this logic, Hailey felt as if she was being isolated. She appreciated some privacy, but she wasn't fond of the idea of being away from everything ― or rather, out of the way, as Mrs. Ravensdale probably intended... Mrs. Ravensdale was starting to remind her of Mrs. Coleman.

Before going to the left, Hailey looked to her right. There was a brighter light, so she suspected there to be some kind of main hall with staircases. Then she turned and did as Alex had told her. She went to the very last door. It was a very lonely door. It looked to be even less taken care of than the rest of the door and was definitely farther away.

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