Chapter 36

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The room was very open and light, like the rest of the building. But that wasn't what surprised Hailey. There were so many people, as if it were the busiest hour of the day ― maybe it was. The clothes people were wearing were very different. Some were wearing thick black leather clothes with handles of weapons sticking out in several places. This looked like the most common Soul Hunter uniform, at least in the Team Building. But others were wearing simple clothes ― a plain shirt, sweatpants, and sneakers ― that were easier to move and train in.

Then there were the people that weren't wearing anything meant for physical exercise. They wore clothes varying from jeans and a t-shirt to striped pantsuits. Of course, there were a couple odd ones out, like a woman wearing a horse-riding uniform ― the memory of the big hairy animals brought shivers down Hailey's spine ― and an old man wearing gardening clothes. Then there was a sizable portion of people that wore clothes that would be at home in a museum. Somehow, Hailey didn't think they wore them as a costume.

Her question was lost in her throat. She was still staring at the crowd when Ash pulled her out of the elevator. She felt stupid for being so distracted by seeing something common like a large group of people, even if they were wearing odd clothes.

She was becoming aware that people were staring back at her. Most just glanced and turned away quickly. But a few looked slightly repulsed. It was abundantly clear that it was not usual for a human to be in the lobby of the Team Building. Hailey wondered what they usually did with the humans they needed for the Linking ritual.

"Leo!" someone called. Leo looked at where the voice came from. Before Hailey could follow his eyes, Leo was already walking away.

"I have to help them with some paperwork, you go ahead. I will see you at dinner," he said quickly and then he vanished into the crowd, leaving Hailey and Ash behind. He pulled her with him, making their way through the crowd, which wasn't too hard, since they parted for them.

"Why are they looking at me like that?" Hailey whispered, feeling self-conscious, when she and Ash stepped out of the building into the fresh air.

"Like what?" Ash asked innocently. He released Hailey's arm and started walking fast. She was trying to keep up with him without having to run.

"Like I wasn't supposed to be there. Like I was some sort of 'alien." Hailey made air-quotations with her fingers, just to clear her point. Ash gave her a stern look, but he didn't give her enough time to look deeper into his eyes so that she could figure out his thoughts.

"Mortals usually stay in the Team Building," he said simply. Hailey had more questions ready, but he didn't give her the chance. "Like I said, you're a special case. I can't explain why exactly, so don't ask. You're just staying here a bit longer than other mortals have before. Can you now just stop asking so many questions?"

"No, I can't, not as long as you keep things from me." She thought about how long she would be staying. It depended on how long other mortals had stayed. Maybe that was only a few days, and she would be staying a week or two. Although she had a nagging feeling in her gut that she would not be home anytime soon.

"I'm not keeping anything from you." Ash gritted his teeth. Some part of Hailey's mind realized that it was smarter to not push him. She ignored that part.

"You are." Hailey stated, making it hard for Ash to deny. They turned a corner and Hailey could smell an all too familiar scent. She felt herself tense but didn't stop walking.

"Stop doing that lie-detector thing, it's annoying." Ash gritted his teeth so much that Hailey was surprised they didn't break off in tiny pieces. They stepped off the big stones surrounding the Team Building like a terrace and continued walking on the grass towards another less modern and much lower building.

"Well, I'm annoying. You better get used to it, because apparently, I'm going to be around for a while," she said angrily. Ash didn't make a comment, he just stayed silent. It both pleased and annoyed Hailey. She swallowed very loudly, knowing what was coming. She tried to hide her nerves and just keep on walking. Ash noticed her tensing, he also obviously ignored it.

Hailey's mind told her to stop and turn back around, even more so when they got close enough to see and hear the animals. However, she was determined to keep going, and not let Ash notice how she was feeling.

"What..." Hailey started, quickly coming up with a question to take Ash's attention off her nerves. "What about my stuff?" He looked at her with a questioning glance, but this time it was her turn to ignore him.

"Your bag is already on its way. We will go on my horse, Valentine," Ash answered casually.

Hailey wanted to ask him if he really had his own horse, but she didn't feel like saying the word of the animal, so she answered with a nod.

"You look pale," Ash said after they walked into the stables. There were horses on both sides and Hailey did her best to be as far away from them as possible, which was still much too close.

"Thanks for pointing it out," she snapped at him. Well, at least her sarcasm was still working. That was always a good sign of Hailey's health.

He stopped in front of a stable with a pure white horse in it. Its manes had a faint silver glow, and the lower part of its leg was slightly grey. The horse was already saddled, and it looked all fine, but Ash checked all the latches anyway. The saddle looked weirdly large, as if it were meant for two people. Ash took the horse's lease ― or whatever they call it, Hailey thought ― and guided it out of the stable.

They went back the way they came. Hailey was walking fast to keep a considerable distance between her and Valentine. Unfortunately, both the animal and Ash could easily keep up with her.

When they were outside, Ash immediately jumped on his horse and put his hand out for Hailey to grab. She hesitated too long.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ash asked, sounding seriously concerned by Hailey's odd behavior.

"Yeah ― it's just ― I don't..." She couldn't get the words out, not with the lump in her throat. Hailey was thinking about how to formulate her feelings when Ash interrupted.

"Are you afraid of horses?" He asked it without a tone, but Hailey felt embarrassed. So, she tried again to suck it up.

"I'm not," she said determinedly. "They just... bug me." Then she took his hand and let herself be hailed on the horse. The moment she sat she felt worse. Painful red flashes of memory filled her field of vision. Then Ash got her hand and put it on his waist. She remembered thinking she should be more mindful about touching him, to make sure they weren't passing a line they couldn't come back from. But since his touch was the only comforting thing available, Hailey wasn't planning on stopping him.

"Hailey, if you don't want to, I can arrange something else." Although his voice was gentle, she could hear the underlying worry. Hailey rolled her eyes, trying to look casual. Unfortunately, her face turning slightly green wasn't making her very convincing.

She got annoyed again and angrily said, "Just go." The next thing she knew they were riding. Ash tried to ask her why she was bugged, but she told him it wasn't any of his business. There was no need for him to know.

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