Chapter 38

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"Ashton!" a female voice called. A streak of orange came running from the house, which was huge, so enormously huge with its white frames and high windows and softly colored blue walls. The skirt of a dress was flowing behind the woman. It wasn't like a dress Hailey had ever seen before. It was made of a dark blue material that looked both heavy and light at the same time. The color, Hailey noticed, was shockingly familiar; Ash's eyes were almost the exact same shade. It was a mix between fancy and being practical. The woman was wearing pants underneath and the skirt only extended from her sides and back. It made it easy for her to run while still looking like royalty.

Ash jumped off his horse and opened his arms. The woman ran straight into them and hugged him so tight that she might have choked him if he wasn't so strong.

"Hello mother," Ash said, not seeming to have any trouble with her tight hold on him. Hailey realized the orange-haired woman was Faithanne, but then she also realized Ash wasn't holding the horse and Hailey didn't know how to get off it. But she didn't want to interrupt the reunion either, so she just sat there. Luckily, the horse didn't seem inclined to running away without its owner.

"You were gone for so long, I thought ― oh, how incredibly rude of me," Faithanne said when she noticed Hailey sitting on the horse uncomfortably. The woman had the same old accent Ash had but hers was much stronger. Now that she was aware of it, Hailey noticed the woman was speaking Conturian. She was grateful that the translator worked so well. At least it was one less thing to worry about.

"Oh, it's fine," Hailey said with an attempt at an offhand tone, but it wasn't very convincing.

"You are not cold, are you, my dear?" Faithanne asked with honest concern, but there was something else in her eyes as well, something that Hailey couldn't quite place yet. She could recognize Ash in them as well. Although the woman didn't have the same kind of mask as him, she seemed like the person that was also exceptionally good at hiding her emotions. Then her expression changed, and there was unmistakably pity in the woman's eyes.

But why? Hailey asked herself in frustration. Did the Soul Hunters really believe humans to be such frail creatures that it deserved their pity? Hailey meant to answer Faithanne's question, but the words stuck in her throat. She didn't understand why the woman thought she was cold. It was actually quite warm, especially compared to back home where everything had been covered in snow. But then Hailey realized she was shaking. From fear, not from cold. She tried to keep her hands still, but it was no use.

"Here," Ash said as he laid his hand over Hailey's, instantly the shaking stopped. Fortunately, he understood. "Just swing your leg over, I'll catch you."

Hailey did and her feet softly touched the ground thanks to Ash's steadying hands strategically placed on her waist. A young man came to fetch the horse and brought it away. Hailey wanted to give out a sigh of relief, but she stopped herself, looking at Faithanne.

"Mother, this is Hailey Fell." Ash led Hailey to face his mother, then he dropped his hands. Although Hailey was feeling less unstable now the horse was gone, she would still have welcomed his steadying touch. She suddenly felt nervous.

Hailey put her hand forward, and after examining it for a moment, Faithanne shook it with a polite smile. Hailey wondered whether Soul Hunters usually employed another form of greeting and made a mental note to ask about that later.

There were several things about Faithanne that surprised Hailey. For one, she looked much younger than what Hailey was picturing in her mind. Based on her calculations, the woman was at least halfway in her fifties, but something about her made it hard to believe she was anywhere past forty. She was slender and tall, although not as tall as Hailey. She also looked strong, not quite as trained as her oldest sons, but still muscly. It wasn't what Hailey was expecting when Ash told her his mother was working in some department of the Soul Order government.

There was something else that was an even bigger surprise and Hailey had to stop herself from staring; Faithanne's eyes were the exact same color as her son's. The dress she was wearing must have been custom made to fit that unique blue, proving how exceedingly rich they were. Another thing, which wasn't so much surprising as it was enlightening, she smelled very strongly of roses. Hailey's eyes moved past the woman, and she saw that the house was completely surrounded by rose bushes. It explained why Ash smelled of them as well, and why the scent had faded gradually the longer he was away from his home. Hailey felt like she should've realized the source of Ash's usual odor when he had told her about the Rosenberger Mansion.

"My name is Faithanne Rosalynne Ravensdale, I am―" she began, but Ash interrupted her. Hailey realized that even though she had been thinking of the woman as Faithanne in her mind, it would be more polite to call her Mrs. Ravensdale. She would try to refer to her by that name even in her own mind, so that she wouldn't accidentally slip up.

"She already knows, mother," he whispered quietly, just loud enough for Hailey to hear as well. Mrs. Ravensdale tried to give a friendly smile, but it really was just a what-do-I-say-now? smile. Not helping the situation from becoming less awkward.

"Shall we show you the house, then. We have just enough time before dinner," Mrs. Ravensdale suggested. Her words were still a little stiff. Hailey got the impression that it hadn't been her idea for Hailey to stay at the mansion and she suddenly felt like she was intruding. She wished she could stay at the Team Building. Then she wouldn't have to deal with all the uncomfortable staring. She looked at the enormous house again. At least it shouldn't be too hard to not get in anyone's way. There was more than enough room. She would manage fine on her own. Right?

"I ― I thought it was morning," Hailey said uncertainly.

"Oh no, sweetie, it is late afternoon. The times in the Dimensions are quite different. It depends on the alignment of the Dimensions. I must admit that the details are somewhat beyond my understanding," Mrs. Ravensdale explained with a smile.

Hailey was slightly thrown by being called sweetie. It seemed to have come out automatically, just some habit, nothing personal. But it still made her slightly uncomfortable. The woman spoke in a honeyed voice, and she said the words slowly and meaningfully. There was a music-like flow to it, that Hailey could never hope to imitate.

"Is it still winter?" Hailey asked, unsure whether she should make it into a joke or wait for an answer.

Mrs. Ravensdale seemed to have the same problem as she laughed at first but then coughed to cover it up and answered, "Yes, technically it is winter. However, the seasons in Naporia do not greatly differ in their weather patterns."

"Thanks, mother. Real interesting," Ash intervened before his mother could give any more explanation. "I'll show her the house later, there'll be plenty of time. Now, I've got to talk to Leo and unpack. Just take her to the room you had in mind for her and then I'll pick her up for dinner," Ash said.

Hailey was disappointed to not get to explore the house yet. Mostly because Ash was taking it away from her so harshly. Only moments ago, he was kind and warm, but he switched to his cold and indifferent personality now. Hailey wondered what his reasons were this time. Was this the act he would be putting up around his family? Or was it an act at all?

She wouldn't allow herself to think that this attitude was a reflection of his impression of her. Maybe he merely meant for her to rest a bit, for which she wasn't completely ungrateful. Still, Hailey questioned herself about Ash's intentions. He didn't let her see his eyes, so she had no way of reading them. It drove her slightly crazy, the way that only Ash could, the way it frustrated her the most, the way...

Oh, get over yourself Hailey! she scolded herself. She took a deep breath and gave Mrs. Ravensdale a smile despite feeling distinctly frustrated.

"Yes," Hailey said. "That sounds fine to me."

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