"We're just doing our jobs," Sam said to me,

"Your jobs suck," I shouted back over my shoulders,

The closer I got to the school, the more I realized that this wouldn't be the last time this would happen. I mean, yes, they saved my life tonight, but the constant stalking, following, lack of information, it needed to end. Sooner rather than later.

*Present Day*

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*Present Day*

Which is how I found myself here, staring at the door to the bunker. I took a breathe and pushed open the door. I made my way down, until I came to the top of the spiral stairs, I descended them and listened.

Voices. Music. Footsteps. Heart beats. They were close but separate, and one was close to me, so I walked towards it. I moved through the twisted halls and endless doors, towards the first heart, and the smell of food cooking filled my noise. I spotted the open door way and peeked inside, only to be met with sight of Sam cooking in very large and open kitchen. His back was to me, so I knocked on the door.

He looked around and jumped once he noticed it was me.

"Sorry, for um... breaking and entering, but where is he?" I asked Sam, he stood there on pause for a moment before he nodded to himself,

"Head down the hall, towards the bedroom, his room the second on the right," He said to me, I nodded before I moved off, I followed his direction and noticed as the doors and walls changed, this area seemed like professional and more like a dormitory for a boarding school,

As I walked down the hallway, I heard a faint grunt, followed my a low voice. I stopped and listened, my gaze turned until I spotted its location. The second door on the right...

Let's get this over with, I thought to myself as I slowly walked to the door. The grunts got more frequent and the voice became softer, but I couldn't tell what the person was saying, it was in Japanese. I swallowed my nerve and gripped the door handle, turned and swung it open

Let's just say, I should have knocked first.

"Dean we need to- OH MY GOD!" I yelled as my body froze, a pillow was quickly placed in his lap and the screen of the laptop slammed shut, but I caught a good glimpse of the two men on the screen,

"WHY ARE HERE? WHY DIDNT YOU KNOCK!" He yelled back at me, my eyes peeled away from the scene and I spot the explicit magazines that littered his bed, all of which had Asian women on them, along with the body of lotion and toiler paper roll,

"Were you just-"


"But the magazines have women-"

"I said out!"

"Are you-"

"GET OUT!" He roared and I slammed the door shut, and back away,

The Hunted • Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now