11 - Sealed Hearts

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Kira had noticed that there was one room in Marko's home that no one ever went into. Trying the knob out of curiosity one night, she realized it was locked.

"That was her room," her mother's voice piped up behind her, giving her a start.

"Mother! You scared me..." She paused, looking between her and the door. "You mean, this was that girl's room? Marko's sister?"

Her mother nodded. "They kept it locked up after what happened. Even I've never seen the inside of it."

Kira lowered her eyes sadly, knowing all too well what that girl must have gone through in her final weeks. But what had really happened to her? How had she died? The only one who might come close to having any answers was Drev but still, no one had seen or heard from him.

Later that same day, Kira took some time to explore Litur Cas and familiarize herself with its houses, its people. But most of all, she was interested in one part of it - where the dead lay buried.

In that quiet place heavy with the scent of flowers, she searched for one grave in particular - that of the girl Shay, Drev's true first wife. She was surprised to find Marko already there, cleaning off the patch of earth.

Kira froze, feeling like she'd just interrupted a private moment. She started to turn around and walk away but Marko heard her. "Kira," he greeted, brows rising. "Hello."

Awkwardly, she met his gaze. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"It's alright. You're not." He paused, raking a hand through his pale hair. "But why are you here? Were you looking for me?"

"Not you but your sister," she answered, nodding her head towards the grave. "I know I didn't know her but I suppose I just wanted to pay my respects."

"Thank you. That's very kind. I suppose you probably feel a connection with her, considering what you went through."

Kira said nothing, thinking that while she appreciated his sympathy, others had been through much worse than her - like Derri and Nia.

Marko nodded her over, and she felt encouraged to stand at his side. "Can I ask what she was like?"

"Hmm. She was... sweet. Kind. A little scatterbrained at times," he said with a smile. "But everyone loved her."

It occurred to Kira then that Marko had no family left, now that his father was gone and since he had no other siblings. She began to understand then why Marko and her mother seemed to have found solace in each other, and created a new kind of family - one that Kira had apparently become a part of too. But was it enough for her?

Marko's face shadowed after a moment. "When I think about the things that monster must have done to her..."

"Don't. You don't know what happened."

"I know she came back dead, dropped off like they couldn't even be bothered to bury her," he said bitterly. "What more is there to know?"

Kira figured it was best not to argue with him. She kept quiet, and after a while, he let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry. I don't like myself when I get like this."

"It's alright. You have nothing to apologize for."

"I know you've lost family too, so you understand."

"I do," she answered, nodding. "Do you want some time alone? With her?"

"No, I'm fine. Let's head back," he said, the two of them ambling out together. They hadn't gone far though, when some of the locals came up with some issue, wanting Marko to settle it for them.

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