15 - Gone Hunting

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Night after night that week, Kira journeyed to her old village together with Marko, bringing packs of food that she passed off to Lobo.

"Why don't we just feed him right here?" Marko asked one night as they watched Lobo totter off with yet another pack in his mouth.

"He doesn't like eating in front of strangers," she conjured, with a pointed look at him.

"Aw, I'm hurt," he went, making her laugh.

Other than that, Marko hadn't asked too many questions about their arrangement, thankfully. But Kira was getting impatient. She wanted to see Drev, to make sure he was recovering from his fever, to taste his kiss again.

But she'd never be able to do that while Marko was with her. If she could just have one night alone, she could at least explain the situation to Drev so he would understand.

But first, she had to find a way to deal with Marko. So, she went to the one person she believed could help her.

After hearing Kira's story one day, Jemma was astonished. "Drev's in the old village?"

"Yes. He didn't have much of a choice. He can't stay here in Litur Cas and he can't go back to the mounts."

"I never really thought about it that way. I assumed he just found a way to get them to take him back."

"They're not exactly forgiving people in the tribe."

"How will he survive out there on his own, though?"

"That's exactly it, Jemma. He's not doing too well out there. I need to talk to him alone but I can't let Marko find out about him."

"Alright. Tell me how I can help."

"I do have an idea, actually..."

That night, around the time Kira and Marko usually went out together, there was a commotion from Jemma's home. Jemma's father came over and begged for Marko to come over.

"Something's wrong with her - I don't know what - but she insists she wants you there, Marko. Please, will you come and help?"

"Yes, yes, of course."

Kira pretended to follow them out of the house, but as soon as she found her chance, she turned off and left the village instead, silently thanking her good friend for her help.

Afraid that her absence would soon be noticed, Kira sprinted as hard as she could all the way to the old village.

Made it! Thank God. 

She paused for a while to a catch her breath, her hands on her knees. Then, she straightened up again, and was about to head towards the unfinished house on the hill when she spotted something strange. It was at the great oak tree that overlooked her old home, the tree in whose shade she used to play and read in, growing up.

But now, a horrifying sight met her eyes.

Someone had tied both Drev and Lobo and hung them upside-down from the tree's branches, like pigs strung out to be bled.

Kira felt eyes on her, and made out a figure standing by the tree trunk, knife in hand.

"Kira... oh, how I've missed you," that all too familiar voice made her tremble.

"Sylar. What are you doing here?"

He sneered at her. "Just because the rest of the tribe are too cowardly to go all the way to Litur Cas doesn't mean I'm the same. I haven't forgotten about you, or about that useless wife of mine, Ora."

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