8 - The Ground We Walk

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Kira could hear someone crying.

She and Drev were about halfway down the slopes when they came upon the rest of the Five. Derri, Reya and another girl named Triss were all standing around the last of the Five - Jemma. The smallest among them and often sickly, Jemma was seated on the ground, tears running down her face.

"Something's happened," Kira realized, beginning to clamber down towards them.

"Kira, hold on," Drev said insistently, grabbing her arm and wheeling her around. "What is going on here?"

Kira glanced over at the other girls before looking back at him. "I should think you would have figured it out by now."

"I did." A beat, then he asked, "My question is why am I here?"

Kira didn't really know how to explain it to him, because even she didn't understand it herself. "You're welcome to go back." She stared at him for a long moment, waiting. Now that any shock would have worn off, she was half-expecting him to turn around and return to the mountain village. To his family and friends. To his life.

Of course, he would have to deal with the repercussions of what had happened with Alix and Hesel but still, maybe he'd rather take his chances with them than with her? She, of all people, knew how painful it was to have to try and turn your back on everything you'd ever known.

Drev let go of her arm, frowning as he shook his head. "You do realize how dangerous this is, right? And foolish?"

Before she could answer, a loud, worried yell rose a few feet behind them. "What's he doing here?!" Derri demanded, pointing at Drev.

Derri and Reya forgot about Jemma temporarily, advancing. Kira was quick to jump in front of Drev. "It's alright! We can trust him."

"Trust him? Are you out of your mind?!"

Drev peeked around Kira, frowning down at Jemma. "What's wrong with her?"

"She fell," Triss answered in her trademark monotone. Even after being kidnapped and forced into marriage with one of the mountain village boys, she was not one for outward emotions. "We think she broke her ankle."

"Well, that's what happens when you don't know the way down. Here, let me see." He moved out from behind Kira, going over and kneeling in front of a tearful Jemma.

Derri's face immediately flushed red with anger. Like a mama hen, she moved as if to attack him, but Kira pushed her hands into the other girl's shoulders to hold her back. "It's alright, Derri!" she went, pleading that Derri wouldn't get mad enough to hit her.

"You were supposed to kill him! Not invite him to be part of our escape plan! What is wrong with you, Kira??"

"It's not broken," Drev piped up, seemingly ignoring Derri's outburst as he held Jemma's swollen ankle between his hands. "Just a bad sprain."

"Are... are you sure?" Jemma asked.

"Of course, I'm sure. Now, stop crying."

"But I can't walk."

"And we have to get out of here," Triss noted, glancing upwards. They could make out voices in the distance up there, along with the glow of torches. "Before they find us."

"You girls aren't making it to the bottom," Drev stated, getting to his feet. "Not without me."

"What?!" Derri's voice climbed further.

"I know how to get down safely. And besides..." In a smooth motion, he hoisted a surprised Jemma onto his back. "Would you rather carry this one yourself?"

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