Chapter 8: Back to Reality

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I wake up and stretch my limbs as I struggle to get out of bed. The thoughts of last night are still going through my head and I can't seem to let them go. What changed that made her mind switch like that. She was so relieved when I said she can stay with me and then boom. She gets away as soon as possible. Not to mention SHE KISSED ME FIRST!!

Whatever. I need to get over it because I have my farm to take care of. Sadly I have to step back into the real world and do really big people things. I huff and go to the bathroom to splash some water in my face, as usual, to wake myself up. I look in the mirror and fix my hair with my hands leaving a messy look to it.

I walk downstairs to grab a bowl from the cupboard and place it on the counter. I don't feel like going to the coffee shop today which is a first, so I'll just have a bowl of cereal instead. I grab the milk and some Cheerios to pour them both in.

I grab my bowl and plop my butt on the couch to watch some tv. I'm having a slow start to the morning but I never have those so it's ok. I do have a lot of work to do today, to make up for yesterday of course.  I continue to lounge around for an hour and decide it's time to start my day.

I grab my boots and am instantly reminded of Lizzie trying to run in them. Ugh, that's annoying. I try to ignore the thought and continue walking outside. I go check on the pigs first and give them their food. They seem very happy to see me. They all run towards me and little Peter runs behind them trying to keep up. I give them all a little pat on the head and go to the storage area to grab their food. I fill up their feeding bed and use the hose to get them some water too.

I do the same for the goats and make my way to the chickens. I remember our conversation yesterday about Lizzie being scared of chickens. How is that even possible. I mean, childhood trauma can be a bitch so I kinda get it. I collect all of the chicken's eggs that they laid and bring them back to the house in a little basket. The animals are now fed so I can do some of the other jobs around the farm.

I grab the egg cartons from the shelf and place them on the dining room table along with the basket of eggs. I turn some music on because usually this takes a while and can get very boring. I start placing the eggs one by one into the cartons, being careful not to break any. Once I'm done that, I put a date on each of them and load them into the farm fridge to stay fresh until the order needs to go out.

As I close the fridge door I hear my phone buzz on the table. It's a text from my friend Gabby.

G: Hey y/n! How are you doing?

Me: I'm doing alright Gab. How are you?

G: I'm pretty good actually. Have you seen the article yet?

Me: Which article?

G: The one about Lizzie.

Me: Nope I haven't seen it.

G: Well you might want to. I will send it to you.

Me: Ok.

Ugh. I don't want to hear anything about her right now. It's just going to make it more impossible to forget about her than it already is. Not to mention, watching marvel films are going to be pretty different now that I met her AND KISSED HER!

My phone vibrates again and I pick up my phone again already knowing who it is. I open my messages with Gabby and click on the link to the article.

I read it, "Elizabeth Olsen spotted leaving mysterious unknown person house late last night. Rumour has it, the person is the same one that was spotted at the coffee shop just days ago."

Shit. I thought I lost the paparazzi but I guess they found us and waited it out. Those people are such creeps. I get that it is their job but it's weird and just makes everyone uncomfortable.

I text Gabby back after reading the rest of the article.

Me: I just finished reading it.

G: So is it you?

Me: Yeah it's me. But I'm never going to see her again so it doesn't even matter.

G: Wait. Why's that?

Me: She didn't leave her phone number or any way to contact her, I don't know where to find her and when she left she made it pretty clear that she didn't want to see me again.

G: Oh boy. That must be tough her being your celebrity crush and all. Honestly, you're lucky that you even got to meet her and hang out with her. That's more than a lot of people get to do.

Me: Yeah you're right. I was hoping that it would turn out differently though.

G: How so?

Me: Well we had an amazing time and then all of the sudden it changed and she rushed out the door barely even saying goodbye. I just wish I knew why.

G: She probably had a good reason for it. It seems odd if there isn't one.

Me: Yeah. It was fun while it lasted though. It's time to get back to reality now.

[A few days later]

A week has gone by and it has been pretty normal with me just doing my farm duties. I hung out with Gabby a few times this week which was nice. There's been a couple of spotting of Lizzie around town but I don't even care anymore. Ok, that's a lie. I really wish I could see her again.

I decide to go to the coffee shop again, seeing as it's been a week since I was there last. I roll out of bed and slip a pair of grey sweatpants on because it's a bit cold this morning. I grab my sweater and throw it over just my bra because I hate wearing shirts under my sweaters.

I lazily shuffle over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and put on some deodorant. I just got this new perfume that smells amazing so spray it twice and walk downstairs. Walking down the stairs I notice my keys are not in the spot by the door. That's weird. They are always right there. Looking around the house I find them under the couch. Thank goodness.

Now that I can leave, I get in the car and head to the coffee shop. The drive is peaceful and I let my thoughts bounce in and out of my head as they please. I pass the barns and big houses and reflect on how much u love my little house and farm. I make it to the shop and am excited to be back. I see Jay, the owner, at the cash register and walk over to him.

"Hey, Jay!" I say with a smile.

"Y/n! How are you doing? It's been a while," he says.

"I've been good! Just busy on the farm."

"I understand. You want the usual?"

"I sure do!" I say as my stomach grumbles.

He turns around and grabs my croissant and coffee and I wait patiently rocking back and forth. I really hope that coffee wakes me up a bit because I am exhausted today. Jay hands me my stuff and I go sit down at my table in the corner, just like how it used to be.

I just sit and enjoy the atmosphere and my clear head. Finally some peace.
Hey everyone! The next chapter is going to be exciting so stay tuned!

Hope you are all enjoying so far, and thank you to the consistent viewers :)

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