Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ The "Stomach Bug"

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I remembered what had happened before I went under, and immediately started checking that my body was still intact.

Eyes? Seemed to be working just fine. Check.

Ears? I couldn't really hear anything at the moment, but I can hear myself moving around, so that must mean I'm the only one here. Check.

Neck? Yeah, I could turn my head around. Check.

Arms? Extremely sore, but other than that, they worked. Check.

Torso? Definitely the part of me that hurt the most. Felt like a thousand needles were pricking my skin, in a satisfying yet uncomfortable way. Still, Check.

Legs? Seemed to be fine. Check.

I let out an audible groan, leaning my head back on the fluffy pillow behind it. My body felt terrible. I tried to get a glimpse of my halo above my head--and sighed in relief. It was glowing like a polished gold diamond, which meant my healing energy was fully 'charged.' The more healing energy I use, the less bright the ring becomes. When I sleep, my halo recalls more healing energy and replenishes my supply.

I quickly activated my quirk, allowing the warm sensation to fully envelop me, and make the prickly sensation dissipate drastically.

I used my arms to pull myself upright, so I was now sitting with my legs crossed, slouching lazily as I studied the curtains encasing the small area. I cleared my throat, preparing to call out for Recovery Girl, only to find that my voice was hoarse, and all that came out was a weak croak.

My brow furrowed as I tried to speak again.

Another croak.

All of a sudden one of the curtains whipped open, revealing the small old lady, who was wearing a weak smile.

"Oh good, you're awake." Recovery Girl praised in her airy voice. "Yes, I'm aware you can't talk right now. Your throat is irritated... It's only a precaution."

I raised my eyebrow as she sat in the chair to my left, that I hadn't even realized was there. Lacing my fingers together, I mouthed the words, "Precaution for what?"

Recovery Girl sighed. "Well my dear, the infection from the rusted metal spread upward, and affected your vocal chords, as well as your liver. That was quite a touch up to make, but I managed to successfully get rid of the virus on the liver. Your throat on the other hand, is still in a healing process, and if you spoke, it would only damage it further. So I gave you a medicine which stops the use of it."

I hummed in acknowledgement, then gestured toward my torso. "The metal?"

Recovery Girl nodded with a smile. "Yes, I directed a very fortuitous operation to extract the metal, which appeared to be a blade from some sword. We're already having it examined and cleaned."

My mouth made an 'o' shape as my eyes widened and I mouthed, "Todoroki's battle?

Recovery Girl smirked. "Todoroki's battle? Is that what you said?" When I nodded, she shook her head. "He was here a minute ago after the finals. He got second."

My eyes bulged.


"Tch. Don't you worry, dear." Recovery Girl patted my knee. "I had the last few fights recorded so you could watch them. I know how much you care about supporting your friends. It's very inspiring."

I smiled, and mouthed a quick thanks to her.

"No problem, hon. Well, your classmates are very worried about you..." Her face darkened a bit. "You can't tell them about the blade we found, okay? Or that my quirk didn't work on you. That stays in between you, All Might and I, okay?"

I swallowed thickly and nodded in agreement.

"I've created the alibi that you have a horrible stomach bug." Recovery Girl explained. "The award ceremony is starting in about fifteen minutes. Todoroki got second, if you'd like to go congratulate him."

My eyes sparkled and I just about leaped out of the bed, using my wings to help me get steady.

"Remember. Stomach bug." Recovery Girl said sternly. "If they ask why you can't talk, tell them it's a sore throat."

I nodded once again and gave her a quick hug, vowing to thank her once I could speak again.

There was a little bit more in this chapter, but it was pretty boring so I decided to delete it and just give you this. 

I'm kind of tempted to just post all the future chapters I'd written... except so many spoilers would be going on so probably not. 

Hope y'all have a good day/morning/afternoon/evening/night

Love you <3

Maulo (used to be Dream)

𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄 ❀ 𝐒. 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈 !!ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ!!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu