Chapter 15: First Term Finals

Start from the beginning

The class was lined up horizontally so that each student had a view of the teachers. Lined up were all of their teachers. All except one, principle Nezu. Although the principal wasn't one of their teachers Nezu was supposed to give the instructions for the test. As they waited Nezu popped out from under Mr.Aizawa's scarf. "Greetings class 1-A and welcome to the last day of your finals," Nezu exclaimed excitedly. "Now, I've heard that you've heard from your upperclassmen what to expect for this test?" Once that was asked Mina and Kaminari stepped up, "Yeah! We're gonna fight robots," Kaminari shouted. "It's going to be so easy," Mina added pumping her arms in the air.

Aizawa smirked always excited to give his students a struggle. "That may have been true for previous years but this year we've decided to change it up. Instead of fighting robots, you'll be put into pairs from what we've observed in your studies and the two of you will fight one of us." With that last phrase, everyone's faces dropped from confident and exciting expressions to that of worry. Their teachers had years of experience and one of their teachers was All Might, the strongest hero in all of Japan.

Aizawa started to name the pairs and who they would face. As the list kept going the possibilities of which teacher Katsuki would fight narrowed. Soon enough he and another girl were the only two left with only one option on who they were fighting, they were fighting All Might. Aizawa looked at the two. "You'll be fighting All Might. We parred you up because your personalities clash, we want you Bakugou to help Akemi here and Akemi, help Bakugou to be less arrogant if you can." With that, Aizawa walked off giving the students time to talk. 

The girl who was named Akemi Watanabe was a girl who transferred into the class a little after mid-terms, a test they took a month before the finals to make sure that they had everything down. She walked up to Katsuki introducing herself. Katsuki just scoffed, "Tell me your quirk and then leave me alone," he said getting ready to just turn away and leave. She looked down, "My quirk is called solidify, I can force the air around me to become solid." As she spoke Katsuki heard her choke on a few words and stutter on some as well, she wasn't confident in herself.

Once Akemi was done Katsuki turned around and headed to the area where he could view the others' matches. 'Of course, the two things that I didn't want to happen happened. I got the new girl who looks like even more of an extra than anyone else here and I have to go against All Might.' He sighed, 'At least you get a partner. Besides, if I'm going to show Deku that I'm the strongest AND coolest why not start by defeating All Might.' He smirked as much as he could still worried about the fight, how hard could fighting All Might be, it's not like he's the number one hero and symbol of peace or anything.

The battles started and Katsuki ended up leaving the room uninterested in what was happening with his classmates. He may have been in the other room but he could still hear his loud classmates. Like when the first match ended and Iida questioned if Uraraka was okay. "Are you okay Uraraka-kun?(It still cracks me up how Iida addresses everyone by Kun) You shouldn't have taken your hands off of the metal bar you know." Katsuki could hear how flustered and embarrassed Uraraka sounded about it apologizing while Iida made sure that she was okay.

Although there was a time limit of 20 minutes each match seemed like it took forever for each one to finish. Since his match was the final one he had to wait so long as his worry and anticipation grew. Once it was his group's turn he got up and walked to his battle arena. He saw his partner there already. "Hey, we didn't get to talk about our strategy." she stammered out. Katsuki sighed, "Isn't it obvious? We go in there and destroy All Might." While Katsuki said that Akemi's face paled, "We can't do that he's the number one hero! We have to run away and hope we can make it to the end." It was clear that this girl was extremely nervous but the absurdity of Katsuki's plan made her have to exclaim it.

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