Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

“What do you mean 'nearly everybody'?” I demanded, bounding out of the bedroom to chase Jack.

“I didn't know.”

There was no mistaking that voice.

“I mean, I don't know about everyone else, but I sure as hell didn't know,” Marcus said with a small chuckle.

The best defense is a good offense, so I rounded on him and unleashed.

“Go ahead. Laugh. Tell Laura and all your little friends that Luka's pathetic little sister is hopelessly in love with you. I'm sure you'll all get a big ol' laugh out of it.”

Before I could make a hasty exit or rail at him further, he grabbed me about the waist and, for lack of a better word, twirled me through the open doorway back into my bedroom. He kicked the door with his heel and pressed me against the closed door. It happened before I was prepared and, even if I wanted to, I couldn't have stopped him.

“You're right about one thing,” he said quietly. “I will have to stop by Laura's house sometime. I need to tell her that she was absolutely right.”

He held up a warning finger when I opened my mouth as if he knew I had started to say something nasty.

“Though, I think, given the circumstances, there is a much more pressing issue. There's something we need to get straight right now.”

“What?” I asked, unable to restrain my curiosity, but terrified of the answer.

“We have unfinished business.”

He squished my toe when he stepped forward, but the leaning down and kissing me part made up for it. My neck was craned at an awkward angle and I had no idea where to put my hands, but the kissing me part made up for that too. I'm no expert in the kissing field, but I'm pretty sure that he was the best kisser on the face of the planet.

Now, I'm sure you're thinking 'don't be silly, Rin, have you kissed everyone on the face of the planet?', but that task would be near impossible and rather ludicrous. Instead, I'll cite anecdotal evidence to prove my claim. He gave me butterflies in my stomach just by holding my hand, and when he kissed me he sent them on a whirlwind migration pattern. Fireworks exploded, I saw stars, and the whole world turned upside down. If that isn't the clichéd definition of love, I don't know what is.

He pulled away suddenly and, with his lips no longer touching mine, my brain had a chance to function.

“You and Laura?” I whispered, a small piece of my heart in danger of breaking off.

“We broke up right after prom.”


“Does it matter?”

“Yes. As ridiculous as this is going to sound, I don't want to be the reason you broke up.”

“You're not the reason.” He chuckled. “Your prom dress is.”

“What?” I exclaimed.

“Just teasing, Rin. We broke up because,” He paused, getting serious. “Are you sure you want to hear this?”

“NO. I'm not sure, but I feel like I need to hear it.”

“Laura dumped me because she said that I was in love with another person and I had been since before we started going out and she was sick of playing second fiddle.”

“Second fiddle? Really? She's perfect. Beautiful, smart, funny.”

“You’re not her.”

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