~•Reminder of the Past•~

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~3 years later. Jacob - age 4, Jasmine - age 5~

I picked up Jasmine from school while Bucky was at the compound for a quick meeting. "How was school baby?" I asked. "Good. I made a friend." Jasmine said. I smiled and drove home.

Later that night, me and Bucky were laying in bed together. I snuggled up into his chest. "Babe?" I looked up at him. "Yeah?" He looked down at me. "What was your mission about today? You looked nervous about it when you came home." I said concerned. "I don't want to worry you but, Rumlow's alive." He said. I looked up at him shocked. Rumlow was the main guard of hydra. "Rumlow.. as in hydra?.." I said with worry. "Yeah. But Steve, Wanda, and Natasha are tracking him. They have a lead." He said rubbing circles on my back calming me down. "Well, I just want Jasmine and Jacob to be safe. Even if he has to die." I said with no emotion. "I agree." He looked down at me placing a kiss on my forehead. I wasn't gonna let anything happen to my babies.

~3 days later~


We found where Rumlow was heading next. Me, Wanda, and Nat all made our way to Lagos. Rumlow was planning a attack there. "Are task is to get Rumlow, get out, then get the hard drive and blow it to hell. Copy?" I said through coms. "Copy that captain." Natasha said. "Watch for allies." I said. "You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda asked sarcastically. "Yeah, well, looking over your shoulders kinda gotta be your second nature." Natasha said. "Guys. Focus." I said. "Yes boss." Natasha said which caused me to smirk a little. "I see him." I said. "3rd floor 1st building on your left." I said. "Copy that!" Natasha and Wanda both said. Natasha and Wanda headed up to the third floor while I fought the guards at the first floor.


I decided I'd had enough. I was at home with the kids and Bucky. "Hey Jasmine? Tell daddy that mommy went shopping ok?" I told asked her to tell Buck. "Ok mommy." She said I nodded at her and then teleported to Lagos. I walked up to the building where I saw Steve and Wanda chasing after Rumlow. I teleported in front of him. "Did you miss me?" I smirked at him. "Y/n?.." he said scared. "Yeah. You better be scared." I made my power in my hands and started to stop his heart. I made sure his heart was fully stopped before I teleported over behind a wall watching what would happen. I saw Steve run up to Rumlow and check his pulse. "He's dead.." Steve said confused to Natasha. She looked around confused and saw my shadow. She tried to see who was there but I ran. She motioned to Steve and they both started chasing after me. I ran with my hood up and dodged people. Steve caught up to me and tackled me on the ground. He flipped me over and took off my hood. "Y/n?! How the hell did you get here?" He asked confused and angry. I got up and said, "I need to get home." I disappeared in thin air and teleported home. I teleported into the bathroom and then walked out.


I saw y/n disappear out of thin air. I jumped back in surprise and confusion. "What the hell?" I heard Natasha mumble. "Where'd she go?" She asked. "Back home." I said turning around walking towards the jet. I got on. I had to tell Tony about this. She had powers. Why didn't she tell me?!

We arrived home about 6 hours later and we walked in. I walked into the meeting room and saw Tony working on paper work. "How was the mission?" He asked. "Rumlows dead." I said. He looked at me sort of happy but then I said, "Y/n did it. She was there." I said. He laughed at me. "She's been here all day Steve. She was with Jasmine and Jacob all day." He said. "No. She was there. She has powers.." I said. He looked at me like I was crazy, which I probably was. "Please, Steve.. don't lie to me." He said looking at me in surprise finding out I wasn't lying. "I'm not lying." Then Jasmine waddled into the room. "I can't sleep." She said. I picked her up and she rested her head on my shoulder. "Honey? Where was your mommy today?" Tony asked. "She go shopping today." She said. I looked at Tony and he looked right back at me.

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