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~2 months later~

I was in the hospital, bouncing up and down on a bouncy ball so that my water will break. I started experiencing pain around 4 in the morning.

~4 am~

I woke up from a bad dream and got out of my bed. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a glass of water. I felt a sharp pain in my vaginal area. It felt a lot like the pain I had when Jasmine was born. I screamed loudly as the next one hit. These were contractions. Bucky ran into the bathroom, seeing me in pain. "Is it the baby?" He asked concerned. "They're coming!" I yelled in pain. "Has your water broke yet?" He asked. "Not yet. But soon. I can feel it." I said. He ran into Jasmine's room and grabbed her. He grabbed the hospital bag and we got in the car. We stopped at my fathers house and dropped off Jasmine. We raced to the hospital well I yelled in pain. "BABE! DRIVE FASTER! IT HURTS!" I yelled as a contraction hit. There was visual sweat dripping down my forehead. We arrived at the hospital and I got an epidural.


I sat on the edge of the bed while the doctor checked my fluids and checked how dilated I was. "Ok. Your 8 cm dilated. I'm about 3-4 hours from now. Okay?" She said. I smiled and she left.

I then remembered back to Jasmine's birth..

~Jasmine's Birth (1 year ago)~

I screamed and screamed in pain as the contractions hit. "Babe.. I can't.." I whispered out of energy. "Yes you can doll." He grabbed my face while using a rag to clean the sweat that beamed down from my forehead. "We're gonna meet our baby girl." He said with a smile on his face. I smiled at him and started to push again. "Ahhh!!" I screamed while pushing. I felt a wave of relief when the pain was gone and I heard a cry. She was here. "You did it." Bucky smiled while crying. I started to cry as well and held my baby. "My beautiful Jasmine." I whispered. Bucky and I looked at her for what felt like the longest time in the world.


"You can do this!" Bucky said and smiled at me. "I know!" I yelled at him because of the hormones. He laughed quietly. I started to push with lots of energy. "Push more sweetie more!" One of the doctors yelled. I pushed as hard as I could holding onto Bucky's metal arm. He smiled as he watched me push. "Almost there!" The doctor yelled. I pushed one more time and heard a loud cry. "There he is!" The doctor said. "You have a beautiful baby boy." He said. I smiled and he passed me and Bucky the baby. "You did it again." He smiled at me.

A few hours later, my dad walked in carrying Jasmine and the others following behind him. "Hey." Steve said. "Hi." I said whispering. "Momma!" Jasmine whispered yelled. "Hey sweetie. Come meet your brother." I said. She smiled and my dad placed her on the bed. "Brother." She said with struggle. "Yes! Good job!" I whispered while kissing her forehead. "Hold please." She said. I giggled and placed her on my lap and then placed the baby in hers. "Cute." She said. "Name?" She asked. I smiled and said, "Jacob." She looked at me and then said, "J-Jacob.", "Yay!" I praised her. She giggled and kissed her brothers forehead. Steve was taking pictures of Jasmine and Jacob. I smiled at him.

~A week later~

Me, Bucky, Jasmine, and Jacob arrived home a week ago. Jacobs nursery was all set up and Jasmine loved him. Jasmine wouldn't leave Jacob until he was asleep or with both, me and Bucky.

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