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Seonghwa and I sat in the closet a little while longer, the pain in my leg is dull and annoying. He stands up slowly gently pulling me up with him. The pressure on my leg makes it hurt even worse but we need to get out of here.

He reloads his gun and sigh.

Seonghwa: You ready?

I nod trying to ignore the pain. He opens the door and we quickly begin to run again. Taking the elevators is too risky considering my dad probably already disabled them. The stairs are endless. Soon enough we hear yelling and gunshots again.

"Get them!"


We run onto another floor hoping to get rid of them but they're right on our tracks. The footsteps behind us becomes closer making us pick up the pace.

Once we reach the other door my blood runs cold. Yeosang sits leaned up against the wall, a bullet wound to his stomach. I glance over at Seonghwa's whose expression is much like mine. The wounded boy chuckles spitting blood from his mouth.

Yeosang: Don't look at me like that.
Me: C-come on we have to go, grab my hand.

He looks at the bloody hoodie wrapped around my calf.

Yeosang: You got hit too huh? Seonghwa doesn't need two handicaps besides, my body is getting cold.
Me: Don't talk like that!
Yeosang: Nia it's okay. I leave the house everyday prepared to die. That's the lifestyle I chose.

Tears run down my face.

Seonghwa: I'm going to get her to the first floor and then I'm coming back for you, don't die before then.

Yeosang coughs up more blood.

Yeosang: Sir yes sir.

Seonghwa grabs my hand and pulls me down the steps. This is horrid, I never wanted them to get hurt on my account. Seonghwa shoots the man coming towards us with no hesitation, the man falls on the ground and we run around him.

This building is endless, a pain in the ass. I'm slowing down because of my leg, my breathing is becoming more shallow. Shit.

Seonghwa: Are you okay?
Me: Hwa, Im sorry.
Seonghwa: It's okay I think this floor is clear so you can rest a bit.
Me: Let's just think, what..-

The intercom creaks.

"I see you."

That's my dad voice.

Me: Shit his building cameras.

I stumble to my feet.

Me: We have to move.

The only place where there isn't cameras is the staircase halls but before we can get there men run in. Once we turn to run the opposite way more guards appear.

Guy: Drop your weapon.

Seonghwa sees he's out number and kicks his gun away, they grab us leading us back upstairs to my dad. The man sits there smoking and laughing.

Dad: And to think you almost made it. I have to hand it to you Nia that was a good one, but not good enough.

I end up falling to the ground, Seonghwa gasps and kneels beside me.

Dad: Oh dear, a little shot to the leg and she's out. You know Nia I don't want to kill you. I took you in for all those years so it would be morally wrong to do so but I can't have you flapping your lips about everything either, same for you Seonghwa.

I hear a gun cock and I just clothes my eyes.

Me: Hwa, when I count to three bum rush the two guards at the door.
Seonghwa: What?

I look him in his eyes, a sad smile tugging at my lips.

Me: Remember how I said one day I'd repay you back for always protecting me?
Seonghwa: Nia no.
Me: On the count of three. One.
Seonghwa: Nia.
Me: Two.
Seonghwa: Don't!
Me: Three!

Before he can grab me I run full for towards my dad knocking him over in a surprise attack. As anticipated the guards go to grab their weapons but Seonghwa is faster than them.

The element of surprise is the best way to go in a tricky situation. I scurry up running over to Seonghwa and we run back out the door unfortunately my dad's reflexes were quicker than expected.

He shoots me in my other leg making me fall down completely. Seonghwa's eyes widen in horror.

Dad: You know what, at this point just tell my wife I said hi.

He points his gun at Seonghwa and my mind is a blur all I hear is the shot and the next thing I know I'm using the last of my strength to push him out the way.

The bullet rips through my chest and all the air leaves my lungs. I lay on the ground, a door bursts open and gunshots break out.


"Nia? Can you hear me?"

Everything becomes silent and dark.



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