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I'm not okay, when I woke up the next morning the boys were gone and Suzy was here waiting for me to pack my things. She had a note from Seonghwa explaining they needed an early morning start on the mission, and saying goodbye would be hard on me.

On the way to Suzy house don't say anything and thankfully she doesn't push any conversation. Her parents are gone on a trip so it's her and I for the whole weekend.

Suzy: Would you like some tea?
Me: No thank you.

She smiles talking a seat next to me.

Suzy: You've grown fond of them, huh?
Me: I can't help but worry. If it weren't for me they wouldn't be in this mess.
Suzy: No, if it weren't for your dad they wouldn't be in this mess and neither would you. On a positive note it gave you the chance to meet them.

If only it was under different circumstances.

Me: Everything is suppose to go down at my dad's office. I don't want them hurt or to end up in jail.
Suzy: I think they go into missions with the mindset of knowing anything can go wrong at any time, but they also don't do anything they don't want to. They're doing this because they want to help you.

I look over at her and her smile has never left.

Suzy: Trust them.

The next hour Suzy spent trying to get my mind off of it. When she appeared with strawberry shortcake that did the trick. We sit on her bedroom stuffing our faces talking about random things. It's been a while since I've did this kind of thing with a friend.

Suzy: Yunho and I did a thing last night.
Me: A thing?

She blushes.

Me: Oh! You did the thing! How was it?
Suzy: He was really gentle, and caring. He made it memorable.
Me: So I guess you guys are really married now huh?
Suzy: That's the thing, we got into an arranged marriage but still talked to other people because it didn't count. Last month we decided to be girlfriend and boyfriend. Even-though we're married we're still taking normal steps.

She plays with her fingers.

Suzy: I was a bit jealous of you and Seonghwa.
Me: Huh? Why?
Suzy: It's all in the eyes, a person can say whatever and act however but they can't hide their eyes. The eyes tell all. Whenever he looked at you or you did something a hint of adoration or worry always flashed through his eyes.

I blink.

Me: All I saw was coldness and blankness.
Suzy: Was that all you saw or all you wanted to see?
Me: That's what I saw.

She teases me a bit.

Suzy: If you say so! He maybe a bit blunt and straightforward but he's a good guy.
Me: I know, but we don't see each other in that light.

I go back to eating my long forgotten cake. My mind was distracted for a while now I'm busy thinking about the boys. My phone begins to ring and DAD flashes across the screen.

Me: H-hello?
Dad: Ah Nia! Sorry to disturb you, but is it possible for you to come to my office?


Me: Right now?
Dad: Yeah, I'll send a car to come get you.
Me: I'm at my friends house.
Dad: Suzy's, right? Seonghwa told me when I called looking for you.


Me: Yes.
Dad: Text me the address.

He hangs up.

Suzy: What was that about?
Me: My dad wants me to come to his office.
Suzy: Isn't that where the guys are?
Me: I have no idea.

I let my worry take over and text my dad Suzy's address. If the guys aren't there then where the hell are they? About twenty minutes later, to Suzy's dismay I get in the car to go to the office.

I try texting Seonghwa, but he doesn't reply. I'm half tempted to call him, but what if he's in a situation where his phone shouldn't ring.

This frustrates me to no end.

We finally reach the building and I leap out before the car fully stops. I run to the elevators and it's like sudden death how slowly the elevators took to reach the top floor.

My stomach drops when I run into his office.

The boys are cornered by many security guards. Once Seonghwa notices me his eyes widen.

Dad: You see how quick a lie flies?

I go to turn around but I'm grabbed from behind, something cold pressed against my temple. From the look in Seonghwa's eyes I can tell...

It's a gun.


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