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I've never had sushi this good or fresh, Seonghwa chuckles as I continue to shove fish and rice into my mouth.

Seonghwa: Slow down, no one is going to take it from you.
Me: This place is amazing!
Seonghwa: My mom always had a knack for choosing good restaurants.

His smile always seems to make me smile. There's something about seeing him genuinely enjoying himself that brings me comfort.

After we eat he mentions an art museum San recommended. Art is interesting because the picture can look an absolute mess but once you learn the artists reasoning for creating it your view shifts.

Me: I never told you but those art pieces at your place are really nice.
Seonghwa: What pieces?
Me: The ones going up the stairs.
Seonghwa: Oh! Those were a pain in the ass to paint, I'm happy you like them.
Me: How so?

He sighs.

Seonghwa: I went into a spiral after losing something important to me, I was angry and confused. My dad said I needed to calm down and fast. Yunho suggested painting for some God awful reason, turns out I was decent at it.
Me: Seonghwa, the man of many hidden talents.

I smile at him, he rolls his eyes playfully before pointing at an art piece.

Seonghwa: Whenever I see any shade of blue used a lot in a painting I can tell the artist had a lot to say but couldn't quite word it correctly. In every piece of work you see the pain, passion and hardships.
Me: I didn't know you were so deep.
Seonghwa: There's a lot of things you don't know about me.

That's true.

Seonghwa: Did you know I could surf?
Me: No way.
Seonghwa: Yes, when I was twelve my dad had some business out in Hawaii. That was one trip my mom and I didn't mind attending, we learned there.
Me: That's so cool! I wish I could surf.
Seonghwa: Maybe I'll teach you one day.

My face heats up.

His phone begins to ring and he sighs, this is the third time he pressed ignore.

Me: The guys?
Seonghwa: No, a nuisance.

After a hour he insists on going back to the house because his feet hurts. Before doing so we grab two bottle of sake from the store, just to bring a mellow calm to the day. We sit on the living-room floor drinking our bottles.

Me: Let's play a game.
Seonghwa: How did I know you'd say that?
Me: Truth or dare!

He scoffs.

Seonghwa: Fine. Truth or dare?
Me: Truth.
Seonghwa: Is it true you never had a crush on Mingi growing up?
Me: True, I never seen him that way. He was always the goofy boy who'd fall over his own feet and give me half of his honey bun.
Seonghwa: Rest assured he's still that goofy boy who trips over his own feet.

I laugh, of course he is.

Me: Truth or dare?
Seonghwa: Dare, I'm feeling adventurous.
Me: I dare you to text Yeosang and tell him you love him.
Seonghwa: What!
Me: What're you? A scared cat.

He grumbles before pulling out his phone. I snicker to myself once he presses send, not even two minutes later he receives a response.

Yeosang: Say it to Nia,  not me ya' creep.

My laughter stops as I begin to choke on my own spit, Seonghwa rolls his eyes before putting his phone back in his pocket.

Seonghwa: Truth or dare?
Me: Truth.
Seonghwa: How boring, when's the last time you had sex?

My skin is on fire.

Me: Well that's um, I uh..
Seonghwa: You're a virgin?
Me: No! It's just been a while, like a year or so maybe. You?

His eyes widen.

Seonghwa: I'm not answering.
Me: Why? Are you a virgin?
Seonghwa: You might not like the answer.

I pause, his face is serious. My mind tells me not to dig to deep but for some reason my heart stings a little. Was it recent? No Nia, don't think about it.

I say nothing and just drink my sake.


i finished sk8 the infinity now im bored

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