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I relax so the man can ease his grip on me, once he does I swing my head back into his face. Once he yells out in pain I break free running towards the kitchen I grab a knife in an attempt to keep him away.

His nose leaks blood and a murderous gaze paints his face. My heart pounds in my chest, I hope Mingi will be here soon.

Him: Listen here you little bitch, my assignment was to bring you in alive.

He touches his bloody nose.

Him: But you crossed the line, so half-alive will have to do.
Me: Sty away from me!

He tries to step forward but I keep my guard with the knife.

Him: You and I both know you don't have the balls to kill me, so be a good little girl and come with me quietly.
Me: Leave me alone.

I try to find an escape route but there is none. Fear is making my brain freeze, I can't think rationally. He sighs loudly before advancing towards me again.

Before I knew what was happening I took the knife and stabbed him, repeatedly.

His body dropped to the ground, blood spilling everywhere while weak coughs left his body. My eyes widen as I stare down at his body.

I look down at my bloodstain clothes, I feel sick.

The knife falls from my knife and I stand there.

Mingi's point of view

That trip to the store took longer than I thought. She'll be happy with her snacks though, hopefully. I walk up the steps and take out my key.

What the hell?

The door is unlocked, I rush into the house calling out her name. I pause once I see the mess in the kitchen. A dude is laying on the floor dead, and Nia is standing there froze. Her eyes are widen, stricken with fear.

Me: Nia? Nia?

She doesn't answer me. I step over the body and grab her shoulders, she doesn't budge.

Me: Nia can you tell me what happened?
Nia: I-I k-killed him. I killed someone, I..-

She drops down and I stop her from falling.

Me: It's okay Nia it's okay. Let's get you cleaned up okay?

The whole time I wiped the blood off her arms and hands she said nothing, didn't even blink. I hand her a pair of my sweats and a shirt.

Me: Change your clothes and rest for a bit okay?


I go downstairs to take care of the body. I unlock my basement and drag him down the stairs to the "operating" table. After discarding all of his clothes, I begin the process.

I start to remove his teeth and nails.

I'm an idiot for not realizing we were being followed, and an even bigger idiot for leaving her. Her having to kill someone was the last thing I wanted.

She maybe an old friend but she's still near and dear to me. This life isn't for the weak, and it isn't something I recommend. So when innocent people like her get put in the middle I feel sick.

What is it that these people want with her, what is it that her dad did?


good afternoon

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