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Growing up I got everything I ever wanted and more. My father was a wealthy business man, and my mother stayed at home doing nothing. My father believed the man should take care of his castle, and my mother had no objections to that.

She spent money like it was going out of style. Every morning a maid would come into my room to wake me up for school. I went to a private school, where most rich kids in the area went.

Sheltered, I was very sheltered.

Me and all of the other kids who went there lived in our own worlds. If there was ever a problem money would solve it, that's the logic we had and no one ever told us it was wrong.

After graduating high-school, I thought my dad would teach me the ways of the business but I was wrong.

Horribly wrong.

I walk into the living room at what seems to be a bad time. Interrupting meetings is one of my dad's pet peeves, except he didn't seem to mind this time. He called me over patting a seat between him and my mother.

Dad: Honey this is Mr.Park, we've done a lot of business together.

Mr.Park gives me a faint smile, he's a bit intimidating.

Dad: You graduated a few weeks ago and now it's time to open a new chapter. Right love?

My mother nods, a sympathetic smile on her face. What the hell is going on?

Dad: Mr.Park has a son whose already deeply involved in his business. In order to keep power and wealth sometimes you need a partner, and Park's company has been a great partner.

I hum not understanding where this is going.

Dad: To keep a good pact for at least a few years sacrifices were made.
Me: Sacrifices?

My mother sighs.

Mother: We did this for you.

Did what? The door opens and two big men drag another boy in. The boy curses and pushes the two men off of him, Mr.Park sighs shaking his head.

Mr.Park: Meet my son and as of today, your husband.



let's pray wattpad doesn't delete this one shsjs

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