"Just get drunk. You fuck him, you fuck him. I'm more excited to see what he looks like" Jennie whispered, Yuna agreeing.

Just then the front door opened, not a knock, nothing. Jungkook walked in. He had an eye brow piercing in, a white plain shirt with black ripped jeans. His tattoo's were screaming my attention, everything on him you can see so clearly.

"My god. Y/n if you don't fuck him, I will." Yuna whispered as we all stared at him as if he was diamonds.

"We all three can. I want some of that" Jennie whispered in my other ear.

I pushed them both away "ugh, someone murder me." I knew the moment he walked in the room, the moment I laid eyes on him, how exactly this night was going to end.

Jungkook stood on the oppisite end of me, he was the only one not sitting. I refused to even make eye contact so I did the basic move and sat there with my eyes glued to my phone, flipping through many apps.

"Okay, Y/n you can ride with Jungkook." Jennie was the first to suggest while everyone was wondering who would have to ride solo with someone instead of a big group.

"Why me? I mean-" I quickly rushed to defend my case before there was no other choice.

"It's okay sunshine" Jungkook smirked "I don't bite."

Everyone got up, not even wanting to debate so I let it go and followed Jungkook to where his car was parked. Of course he parked seperatly from everyone else so he can leave when he wants, he can go his way and not have to follow another to a location he already knows.

"Your ass looks amazing in that dress" he said with no regret in his voice.

"Stop doing that Kookie." I clenched my teeth, holding my purse.

"I hate that name." He groaned "But it sounds 100x hotter coming from your mouth." He added.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him. Every word that came out his mouth only made me want him more. Made me want to strip naked right now and let him take me.

He smirked, placing his hands on my thigh "We can ditch the party." He parked the car. I kept my face turned away from him "Why are you fighting your lust towards me?"

"Because" I turn my face to him "I don't think you can satisfy me. So why waste the time?"

He let out a slight laugh "Just because Taehyung can't please you, doesn't mean I can't."

My eyes widened. I totally forgot they were roommate when I said that to Taehyung. That means everyone heard what I said to him. That must explain why not one words was said to me from him or even remotely about him. Jimin is the first to be so quick to say some jokes.

"Let me have a few drinks then maybe I'll let you. I would need to be intoxicated."

He started up the car "I don't fuck drunk."

"Fucking drunk is the best kind of fucking." I laughed.

Once we arrived at the party we went separate ways. He went with his friends and I went with mine. There wasn't much communitcation in the car after it had started again.

"So?? What happened in the car?" Jennie asked, handing me a drink

I gulped it down, going for a refill "Nothing. We barely talked."

"really? well I didn't send you with him so you can talk. I sent you with him so he can rock your world in his backseat."

I rolled my eyes and gulped down another shot. "Let's just drink and not worry about jungkook." I smiled.

The alcohol slowly started to hit me. By the time it was 2am we were all on the floor dancing to any song that came on. Then hit 3am, and the night came to an end for us. We had slumped down onto the couch, the party still going as if it's midnight and not almost morning.

We could heard Jimin, Eunwoo and Jungkook sitting near us, their voices faint over the music but their words still making due. "Who's taking them three home?"

I stood up, mainting balance but no words being spoken. I just grabbed Jungkooks arm and he willingly followed me outside. Once we reached outside, he switched to him holding my hand and me now following him.

We reached his vehicle, him helping me in and him getting in the driver side. He, for some odd reason, seemed completely sober. I just admired him as he started up the engine, and roared out of the driveway.

"Kookie" I said as I had my elbow placed on the arm rest, my chin balanced on my hand. He responded with a faint mmh, his eyes staying focused on the road and mine focused on him "Why is it you seem sober?"

"I didn't drink." Jungkook said. "I knew I would have to drive your drunk ass home"

All I could do was smile. It felt as if he cared for me and it made me happy, not disgusted like normally I would get. I slowly slid my right hand up his leg, onto his length. He gasped, jerking his body a little.

"I'm driving" His breathing began to get heavy.

"So?" I began to unzip his pants "Pull over then." my nails following the outline of his erection that was shaped in his boxers. He lets out a big sigh and pulls into an empty alley way that was pitch dark with only a dim street light shining in.

"You're drunk" he moved my hand

"I'm still aware of what I am doing." I smirked and moved my hand back "Now, Just relax. I'll handle this."

I tugged on his boxers. Jungkook lifted his waist allowing me to lower them. He leaned his chair back and relaxed his body, ready for me to begin. No matter even if he wanted to deny, he couldn't. We both knew no matter the circumstance, we're gonna fuck.

I took his whole size in. My tongue swirled his tip giving him extra pleasure.

"Fuck" He grasped my hair in his hand, intertwining them together to allow him to take control. The sound of me gagging echoeing the car as Jungkook began to thrust his hips upward, his hands forcing my head to stay still as his cum squirted deep into the back of my throat.

He lifts my face to even with his as I stick out my tongue to show me intaking every inch he is forcing me to take. Within second, our mouth were engulfing once other, our tongues fighting inside each other mouths. I wanted so bad to move on top of him, feel him against me.

"Fuck Y/n. You're drunk" he says with heavy breaths, our swollen lips being magnetted together. "I don't want to take advantage-"

I shut him up by slamming my lips into his. I grab his arm that had moved from my head to my lower waist once we kissed. I travelled his hand under my dress, his fingers finding their way on their own.

"Jungkook" I breathed between kisses "The moment my lips touched yours" I moved to kiss his neck "I became sober." and it was true.

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