5. Examination

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The room was really cold. As I entered in there I immediately felt the cold invade my body. I trembled, embracing myself.
Miss Zoe waved her hand to a girl with short platinum hair, blue eyes and big glasses, dressed as a policeman.
"Hi, Rico!" The detective exclaimed, with her usual excitement.
"Hi, Hanji" replied the woman, not showing a smile.
That new girl seemed the opposite of Miss Zoe and something about her was scaring me... she seemed really severe.
We started walking in her direction. I continued to freeze, following Hanji. I went nearer her, hiding behind her body like a child with his mum.
"Is this the man?" The woman asked a bit rudely.
"Yeah. This is Levi Ackerman. Levi, this is Rico. She will take care of the examination progress"
Hanji looked at me, smiling again. I nodded, to let her understand that I was listening.
"Ackerman, sit on that chair" ordered the blonde girl, giving me a severe look.
I looked back at her angrily. There was no need to be that rude. I opened my mouth to argue about her rudeness, but Miss Zoe talked first.
"Oh, Mr Ackerman, remember to sit carefully!" She giggled, getting my attention and making me forgive about the other person in that room.
I went on the chair in front of the black table, while the two women started talking to each other. As I put my butt on it, I heard a little 'crack', that got Hanji and Rico's attention, making them turn their heads to me. The blond woman rolled her eyes, looking annoyed, while Hanji smiled at me, her cheeks becoming red once again.
I was about to smile back at her, but I held it back.


I turned back to look at Rico, lowering my head.
"So... how do you want to start?" I asked.
"Well, you're the detective... it's you who should make the questions, you know?" She replied.
"I though that you said that you wanted to take care of this" I reminded her, thinking about the talk that we had that morning.
"I said I'll take care of his answers and that I'll put them on paper, but you are gonna ask him" she explained.
I sighed.

I turned on my heels to face Levi Ackerman again, smiling.
"Alright, Mr Ackerman" I started, going closer to the desk "I guess we can start now. Moblit will arrive in a few"
Levi nodded.
I reached the table and put both my hands on the desk.
"Is there something you want to ask before we start?" I asked, smiling, trying to make him feel more comfortable in that situation.
"Hanji!" Rico called me. I turned my head.
"You don't have to ask this kind of things! Just start! He's not a guest, but a suspect! Now, start. For real, this time" she scolded me.
I gave an annoyed look at her, raising my hands from the desk.
"You said that you wanted to take notes about his answers and that I had to ask him questions. You do your job and I do mine, got it?" I declared, a serious look on my face. Rico hesitated for a bit but at the end she nodded.
"Fine... go on"
"Thank you"

I turned my head back again to meet Levi's eyes.
"So, is there something that is not clear to you?" I repeated, smiling again.
"Mhm... I actually have many questions, but first I'd like to finish this examination. I don't really like being credited with the role of a killer" he commented, rolling his eyes.
"I understand. Fine, let's start with the most common question: what were you doing yesterday night on that street?" I asked, continuing to smile. I actually already had the presentment that the man that I had in front of me was innocent. I actually didn't know why. I just knew it.
"Well, I had just finished work and I was going home. My house is twenty minutes from my workplace and I always go on foot. Yesterday I was walking to my house when I heard a feminine scream. I freezed, looking around, but I saw nothing. So I continued to walk and I fell on the body of the victim" he explained.
I listened carefully, nodding sometimes during his speech. Rico, behind me, was taking notes of what he was saying.
"Fine. And, did you see anything strange around you? Something that maybe could lead us to the assassin?" I asked, giving him a careful look, studying his expressions and glances, trying to see if there were hesitation or lies in them.
"The only thing I saw was a pair of blue eyes. Ocean blue eyes, actually. Nothing more. The figure was totally dressed in black and I couldn't see anything else..."
Levi's eyes were shining of a pure light. There was no lie in them, they were true.

I raised up from the desk, starting to walk around the room.
"Could you give me an approximation of the height of the assassin in base of what you remember?" I asked again.
"Mhm... I actually can't say... the murderer was at the opposite side of the street... I guess... about... about my height... but he was at the opposite side so... maybe a bit more" He answered, thinking. In his voice there was no tremble of a lie, but I couldn't discard him that soon from the suspects list.
"Fine. Can you give me more details about what you remember?" I continued to ask, walking around the desk and passing behind him.
"I remember that the killer looked at me for a second, before vanishing in a second street, in the dark. Nothing more"
I stopped at the left of Mr Ackerman, looking at him. His eyes were fixed in front of himself, but they weren't looking at anything. He was lost in his memories to remember the facts.
"Have you ever walked along that second street?" I asked.
"No, never. I actually think that's an impasse..."
"An impasse..." I repeated, looking at the floor "guess we have to start the investigation there. Last question: did you know the victim?"
"Not really. Maybe I've seen her face before, at the bar for example, but I don't know her name"
I started to walk again, going near Rico, who was writing down every word that our suspect was saying.
"Ok... guess I have nothing more to ask, for now. We'll start to investigate in that street in an hour" I decided.

The door of the room opened, getting the attention of everyone in the inside. It was Moblit.
"How is going?" he asked, entering in the room.
"We have finished here" I smiled at him "we have our first clue"
"Do you need a team?" He asked, reaching me.
"No. For now I'll go with Mr Ackerman" I gave a quick look to the man on the chair, smiling.
"Ok. Rico, you can pass me those files. I'll return in my office"
Rico gave the papers to Moblit, that exited from the room.
"Can I get up?" Levi asked.
"Sure!" I smiled.

I turned my head to Rico.
"I'll wait for Moblit to end analysing the files, hoping that he will find something more. Then I'll go with Mr Ackerman into that street"
"Alright" Rico nodded, glancing at the man behind me "Will you be ok with him? I mean, he might be a killer"
"I always have to deal with killers and robbers and other criminals. He is not different from the others. I passed an entire night sleeping in the same bed of Grisha Yeager, the famous killer, remember? By the way, I don't think he is the murderer of Miss Carolina"
"What makes you think that? Our interrogation wasn't really clear, he could have lied" Rico looked at me, arching an eyebrow.
"I don't know... I see it in his eyes" I explained, without realizing that a little smile was came out on my face.
"You are really strange, Hanji... you can't tell if someone is or is not a murderer only because you see something in his eyes... seriously, be careful. Remember what happened with Yaeger?"
"I was controlling him and I fell asleep on his bed, where he was already sleeping. He then woke up all of a sudden and tried to kill me injecting in my arm a strange drug..." I said, travelling through my memories.
"Exactly. Luckily Moblit passed to ask you something and saved you..."
"Moblit saves me quite often..." I giggled.
"I know... for this reason I told you to be careful... you become too excited when you are around a killer... like, they're not normal people, Hanji... they won't treat you well only because you are a detective. It's quite the opposite, actually. I also have this strange idea that you're going to marry a killer, someday..."
"Well, that's pretty fun!" I excalimed, thinking how my life with a murderer could be.
"This is the problem, Hanji!"
Rico and I turned our head. Levi was totally trembling like a leaf, hugging himself with his arms.
"Ahah! Are you cold, Mr Ackerman?" I laughed.
He nodded, giving me a stink look.
"Come with me, we're gonna exit from here" I smiled, moving towards him.
"I am serious, Hanji!" Rico said, calling me.
I put my arm around Levi's shoulders. He is so cute this short!
"I understand, Rico. But I know what I'm doing. And, even if I were wrong, I will do it anyway!" I giggled, accompanying Levi Ackerman out of that room.

Anti-crime unit (Levi x Hanji) (Modern)Where stories live. Discover now