Chapter 8

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George was very carful while walking into school. Today was Wednesday, the day that his and Dream’s fans were showing their support peoples drawing. He took some inspiration for the smiley face on his right arm.

People were happily chatting, talking in groups, most people had the ‘404’ on their hand, sometimes in a blue square, in company with the smiley face.

Clay had one himself ‘how ironic’ George thought. So, his bully was watching his videos and supporting him. Not exactly him, just the persona he puts on the internet to see.

George was surprised, He didn’t think there would be that many people. Not only he didn’t believe people were supporting him; people in Florida were supporting him, even though the fans believe he lives in Britain, in which case he wouldn’t be able to see.

Walking by Alan’s group, he hears Clay groaning annoyingly at something, or someone

“C’mon Clay, you are soulmates~” Roberts teasingly said in a sing-song-ish voice “look at you, having NF’s sign, he having Dream’s”

“Guys, I hate him. Why would we be fucking soulmates? That bullshit isn’t even real.”

He took his sleeve and pulled it down, suddenly very insecure about him showing support for Dream.
Sitting in class, phone on the desk, book opened in front of him, not noticing or deciding it’s not worth his attention, he continued reading, his phone buzzed once again. Class starts in a couple of minutes, he would grab his phone, looking who send him so many notifications, Twitter. Of course, it was twitter. With slower and patient movements, he opens the app. He didn’t want history to repeat itself.

Photos, it was photos. Photos of friends showing their drawings, their support sometimes people taped the location, people from his high school, people from UK. On his private account, without the tag name he noticed his old friend supporting them.

He took screen shot, oh those photos, under—barely visible—was photo of Alan’s group, all the boys showing their Drawings.

George rolled his eyes.

NotFound|8:20 am
[attached file the screen shot of twitter with people supporting them]

Yeah, im actually surprised how many people at our school have it

Same here tbh
Don’t you like, have school?

so do you tho

It’s me who id teaching/tutoring you after that, you are UNable to remember shit

Okay… dad

[middle finger emoji]


I'm sorry this chapter is short, my motivation is pretty much non-existent and I'm having pretty rough time. I'm trying my best.

Dont forget to eat, sleep and drink some water.

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