Chapter 3

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He was running to the BUS station. Was he late? Yes. Did it hurt to run, since his thigs are cut open? For sure it does. Is he now seeing his BUS running down the road without him? Sadly.

George sighed. This wasn't supposed to happened. Not after walking hurts so much, but that is his luck.

Finally in school—only 3 minutes late, somehow—he is making his way to his class. No yelling from 17-year-old kids, no people around him, no bullying. He likes it this way more, not surprising to him. In front of his classes' doors, he opens them. The stares area back

"I'm sorry for being late. I slept through my alarm. I will do my best, so this won't happen again."

Dream was scrolling through his Twitter timeline when it becomes much darker. He sees one hashtag in particular #DreamNFWeHate. From clear curiosity, he clicks on it and sees the amount of hate. Mostly towards NF's content and fan-bases knowledge about his life, or rather lack of it and occasionally some hate towards his speed-runs and his appearance—even though he must yet to do a face-reveal. While looking at them, some just randomly stuck to his mind

dream's speed runs are sooo fake. can't you guys see it??

NF is probably like really broke. Why don't he want us to know where he lives?

NameWasTaken @Namewastaken
Have you heard how funny it sounds, when nfs voice cracks? Like he uses voice changer?

      Kitty @K1tty
      OMG someone finally agrees

      Blaze @Iwantdeath
      He must sound soo bad and annoying

9 retweets 112 comments 1600 likes

Dream deals well with hate. For him, the haters are bunch of no-lifers anyways. Why should he bother with their opinion?

NF, on the other hand, is very bad with hate. When there is a big amount of it, he needs reassurance from Dream, that his content isn't bad and that it isn't a sin to want to have privacy. But there was never a hashtag for such a thing.

George went straight home. He wanted to brainstorm some ideas for videos and get some editing done. He is now sitting on his bed, tears streaming down his face. How did an innocent brake turn into this mess?

George was questioning his reason for existence, once again. They weren't hating George. They were hating 'NF', but NF is George. NF is the part of George he was never able to show in real life. He is hiding under the thick layer of sadness, hate, and bullying.

His dad knows about the channel and is supportive of it. He knows about his friend and how happy he is. He doesn't know about the hate and George is glad. He doesn't need to know how much hate there is. That is George's problem—or that is what he says to himself—he doesn't want to make himself a burden to his father.

His breathing starts to get uneven. His eyes weren't focusing anymore. Every sound was overwhelming. He swears he could hear his blood floating through his veins, the air mixing in his lugs. The slow wind ruffling the leaves outside of his window. His arms are shaking, slowly transporting into his whole body.

High-pitched sounds start to radiate between the four walls. It isn't his dad, that is a different tone and the only other person who calls him is Dream. Does he want Dram to hear him in this stage? No. Did he pick up anyway? Yes. Would he probably regret it later? Most likely.

"Hello NF. I was going to—" Dream stopped. He didn't hear any response. All he heard was breathing, very very uneven breathing, and occasionally sobbing.

"NF? Okay... Can-Can you tell me that you hear me? Make some sound, so I am 100% sure you are listening?" Quite 'Yes' came after some time, and then more sobbing. Breathing un-evening even more, some attempts of calming himself could be heard.

"Okay, listen to me talking. We need to get your breathing under control, so breath in for four—one, two, three, four—hold in till six—five, six—and breath out 'till ten—seven, eight, nine, ten. And again In, two, three, four, hold six, out eight, nine, ten. You're doing amazing."

Dream continues to count for a while. He was proud of himself. He remembered something from school, from their course. It wasn't often he remembered something and now he was glad he did.

"T-Thank you, Dream" Wait, this sounds different. Dream is confused.

"Dream? I-I'm really sorry you have to hear me like that" something is definitely somewhat off about NF's voice.

"It is okay, really. I'm glad I called you. Why did it happen? You don't have to answer"

"Nah, it, it is fine. It was just a lot. Stressful day in school, people not really being nice, and then the Twitter stuff and my brain just being a little annoying. Actually, have you seen it?"

"Yeah, I did, which is why I called you"

George was glad that Dream was his friend. He made him happy. He was helping him forget about Clay, Alan, and their group, and pretty much school in general. He helped him forget about their problem with money, sister's disabilities. He helped him forget about his insecurities. 'No no no no no no no no no' George starts to internally panicked. He doesn't have his voice-changer on, he wasn't in the right headspace.

"I-I'm sorry, I have to go. Bey"

"Be—" Dream was cut off by George shutting off the call.

"Please tell me he didn't notice" he said to only himself. 


Hey! hope you like this chapter, it is finally getting somewhere. I have it pre-written to chapter 5 as of now, so I can upload somewhat consistently.
DONT FORGET TO drink, sleep and eat ><

You can follow my socials
MauraIsHere (they/she)#8462

Follow and vote on Wattpad? Only if you want, though.


ALSO, someone asked if I have an AO3 acc, and Yes, I have. I have it under another name though, since I want to have somewhere, where can I write, without it being to my name (please tell me you understand just a little) so yeah. You can find me there, but you won't most like know, it is me xD.

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