Chapter 28

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Angle slept in she texted Samijima I asked him do he want to go anywhere today.  I told him I am going to stay in today can we go out tomorrow. Sure he said okay can you bring me my strawberry milk please thanks.  I got a text it was from Samijima I am here I got up out of bed and walked to the door I opened it up and told him thanks for the milk any time Princess. He asked me where is the boss I don't know or even care. I grabbed a banana from the table took my prenatal pills and went back to bed.  Samijima walked to the lounge where he saw the guys and ladies hanging all over the boss. Boss you fucked up Angle is crying in the room you messed up boss, yeah I know Samijima. Eisuke what do I do? Eisuke said just apologize to her, Baba said let us help him make up to Angle. Baba came up with an idea to get her roses, write her a letter and make her an amazing meal of her favorite foods.  Eisuke said she has been through a lot for you. Like wedding planning saving your life, all she wants to do is to take pictures for memories for her to look back at. RIng, RIng Hello this is Angel oh Luke how are you? Good, how is my pregnant patient? I am doing okay just sad right now and my leg hurts a little bit. Luke told me what to do and res tup thanks Luke and I hung up and went to bed. I was so exhausted from everything. Ring, Ring Eisuke here oh okay thank you, Luke.  Soryu Oh yeah Eisuke Luke said to be gentle with Angel's hormones she has twice the pregnancy hormones. Baba went to pick up the flowers while I was on the phone to ask Caroline to see if her chef could cook Angles favorite foods so I can make up with her. 

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