Chapter 14

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I texted Samijima I need to go gift shopping for the wedding. He said no problem, Princess. While I was putting my make-up on I called Baba would you like to join me in gift shopping for the wedding he said sure be right over.  I stood up put on my heels grabbed my purse, my wallet, my pink gun, water bottle, and gum for nausea.  There was a knock on my door  Samijima and Baba were standing right there waiting for me. Baba took a picture of my out fit and sent to Soryu Oh. I started to giggle. I grabbed my camera bag locked the door and off we went. My cell went off it was a text from Caroline she said there is a amazing leather shop in town I should take a look she said they would be great gifts for the Ice Dragons for gun hoisters. I had Ota draw up a symbol Baba gave me the sketch in the elevator . We made it to the lobby where there was a limo waiting for us. The driver was holding the door Mrs. Oh yes I will be your driver today thank you so much I told him the address in Italian. Baba is still shock I can speak a second language. Once we are inside the limo the driver drove us to the famous leather shop.  Baba and I walked in the shop while Samijima stayed guard out side. The owner welcomed us in speaking in Italian I talked to him like we are old friends. Baba laughed. I gave him the symbol that I want on the hoisters for the Ice Dragons family I gave him the total I needed and the address to Tre Spades hotel in Japan and when I need them for the wedding he said no problem he will ship by express I told him thank you. I also wanted 4 special gun hoisters made to with this special designs he said no problem you have great taste. I took out my credit card and paid for every thing. 

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