Part 2

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Bella's POV

Today I was moving back to my home town Forks in the hope of finding my father. He abandoned me and my mum, Renee Swan, when I was only 14 for his 'true mate' and later moved to Forks with her. My father was a vampire and mother a human at the time of my conception - thus making me a vampire-human hybrid. When my mum was giving birth to me she nearly died, so my father (who was a doctor during his human life) injected her continuously with his own venom straight into her heart until she woke up as a beautiful vampire.

When he left my mum was heartbroken, she went straight to the Volturi and revealed herself to a small group of humans living nearby.

Once the Volturi had caught a whiff of my mum's illegal doings they caught her and pulled her apart before burning her.

After this Carlisle and Esme offered for me to live with them, but I just couldn't do it. She was the reason that my mum was now dead. She was the reason that my family was broken up.

So I attacked her.

It was a warm sunny morning and I had gotten up early to do some exercises in the garden, she had followed me outside and was bothering me about how long I was staying for as she needed my bedroom. So I turned around and pounced at her unsuspecting body.

With one of her screams, my father was pinning me against a tree away from his loving, innocent wife.

And with that, I had been kicked out.

With nowhere to go, I travelled to find the Delani clan whom my mum was friends with before her untimely death. But after a few years, I left to be by myself, to travel the world one country at a time, thus making life long vampire friends but never finding my one true soul mate.

I thought that if I ever found my soul mate I would be able to understand why my father did what he did to us. I would have someone to be there for me and love me like someone should be loved. My whole life I have been unsuccessfully looking for that person to make my dead heart beat once again.

It's been around 170 years since I last saw my father and his evil wife. Maybe this time it will be different and we will be able to get along. I have been feeling a pull telling me to go back there for a couple of years now and this is the first time I have finally had the courage to go back to that one place which used to haunt my very dreams.

This time I have the strength and my heart has hardened during my solitude so whatever happens, good or bad, I should be fine.

I also have my powers this time around. My power started progressing once I left my father (it seems like he was holding me back) and I finally learnt to control it once I had reached my full maturity which was 17 (when I stopped ageing). My father doesn't even know I am gifted he thinks I'm a stupid little half-vamp all alone in the world, he probably thinks I died by now as when I was still with him I was still ageing at an alarming rate.

Well, I will show him. 

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