Episode 4: James the Spellblade Master.

Start from the beginning

"I'll master the flame types first am i right?" asked James as Bahamut nodded and James sighed and bit his lip and focused more fire magic into the blade of his greatsword once more. "Flames can grow stronger...if so...then my burning determination shall ignite this blade of mine!!" James screamed as Laevatein was engulfed into even larger and brighter flames and swung it once more and cleaved the rock in half while reducing some of it to burnt rubble and ash. "<Very good. You have mastered Flame Sword and Firaga Blade, you now what you must do next right?>" Bahamut asked in a playful tone as James only smirked at the Platinum Dragon's words and focused more fire magic than ever before.

The flames engulfing Laevatein burned brightly than the last two attacks. "HHHRRRRAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!" James roared loudly as he swung the greatsword once and incinerated the other half of the rock, which reduced it to burnt ash. "I guess that was Firaja Blade wasn't it?" asked James to Bahamut who nodded as the former focused even more fire magic once more into the blade and the flames were much more brighter and larger. "Hellflare Sword!" bellowed James as he incinerated the remaining half of the rock and the rubble and ash, leaving nothing behind. "<Very impressive James. You have mastered all the fire type element spellblade techniques. Now try making your own fire element technique and see if it's even more better than the basic ones?>" Bahamut suggested in a helpful tone.

"You're kinda right, now let's try this one: a fire element spellblade that is a combination of all fire element spellblades. Now...here...goes...NOTHING!!!!" James screamed focusing all the fire magic he can muster into the blade of Laevatein resulting in a huge flame so red and orange, that it was even beautiful to Bahamut's eyes. "I call this technique: Infernal Hellblaze Sword!" declared James slashing the other rocks, burning them to oblivion. "<James i...have no words to say. This original technique of yours is far more powerful than any of the flame element spellblades techniques i have ever seen...and i am very impressed.>" said an awed Bahamut as James then knelt on one knee in exhaustion. "<And one more thing James, Spellblades drain MP and the cost of the drain increases when you use a high level one such as your original flame element technique Keep that in mind okay?>" added Bahamut as James nodded and sat down to rest for a short while.

(shortly thereafter...)

"*deep sigh* Alright. Now i guess it's the ice element ones am i right?" asked James as Bahamut nodded with tiny smirk as James began focusing ice magic into the blade of Laevatein and swung it at an orb of water that Bahamut conjured, freezing it solid. "Alright, now for the next one!" James then focused more ice magic into the blade once more and swung it at the ice sphere, which encased it in an even bigger sphere of ice. "<Ice Sword and Blizzaga Sword. Now you know what you must do next.>" chuckled Bahamut knowing what would James do next. The determined James focused more ice magic than ever before into the blade and swung it at the ice sphere and somehow cracked it in half, yet both were still in a spherical shape.

"Blizzaja Sword...now...for the last one..." growled James focusing ice magic once more into Laevatein's blade which made an icy mist and formed even frost on the blade. "YAAAAHHH!!!" James screamed as he swung Laevatein on the ice spheres and created even more ice spheres. "Artic Frost Sword...now for my original technique: an ice element spellblade that is a combination of all ice element spellblade techniques...." gasped James as he began focusing all the ice magic he can muster into Laevatein's blade which started making snow crystals and snowflakes and freezing the air and even freezing the ground James was standing on!

"I call this technique: Absolute Zero Frost Blade! Now feel the freeze below zero!" James declared as he swung the blade which froze the area where James slashed. Bahamut's eyes nearly bugged out of his skull as all he can see was ice and snow everywhere! "<James...you have impressed me yet again. While you take a break from mastering the ice element spellblade techniques, go have fun in the snow.>" Bahamut ordered as James joyfully played the snow and made snow angels and snowmen.

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