Moving Out

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The house that they chose is on the side!

Pacifica's POV
I realized a few days ago that my apartment isn't what I really need at the moment. I miss having a backyard and a place to plant a flower garden. I've been thinking about this for a few days, and I think that I'm ready to move out. I've called a realtor to take me to some affordable houses right outside the city; not too close to hear the traffic, but not too far away from the city, either. I'm looking for a little house with three bedrooms: one for me, one for guests, and one in case I need to take in a roommate. I call my realtor, Janice.

"Hey, Janice. It's Pacifica." I say.

"Hey Pacifica. What can I do for you?" Janice asks.

"I'm looking for a three bedroom, two bathroom house with a medium sized backyard. My price range is $3,000/month. Can you find something like that in my price range?" I ask her.

"I'll look around. Most of the houses you're describing are outside the city. Is that what you want?" Janice asks.

"Yes." I answer.

"Okie dokie! I will hunt around for you!" Janice says.

"Thanks, Janice."

"It's my pleasure, Pacifica."
The next day, I get a call from Janice.

"I found three houses that fit your description. I'll pick you up in ten minutes so I can show you. Is that all right?" Janice asks.

"Yes. I'll be standing outside my apartment building waiting. Is it all right if I bring my boyfriend along? He's going to be my housemate." I ask.

"Yes that's fine. See you in a few." Janice says

''See you later, Janice." I say.

Ten minutes later, Janice pulls up. I jump in with Dipper, eager to go find a new house. A few minutes later, we pull up in front of a little gray house. It's cute with white shutters, a white picket fence, adorable curved window, little porch with a cute coffee table, and a little red door. Janice leads the way up the cobblestone path. She opens the door and we step inside. I'm taken aback at how different it is on the inside than on the outside. The floor, which was probably once hardwood, has been ripped up, leaving ugly gray cement behind. The walls are devoid of paint in some places. We step into the kitchen and I try to hold back a gasp.

There's no appliances: no stove, no refrigerator, no dishwasher, no sink, and no oven. The ceramic tiles are grungy and cracking. The single lightbulb is flickering like it's about to go out.

"Hmm... It needs a bunch of work." I mutter.

"Yes, it's true that it's a fixer upper, but this house has a lot of potential." Janice says.

The look on my face must be incredulous, because Janice quickly adds:

"Just so you know, I'm company obligated to say that."

I chuckle.

"Since you probably hate this house as much as I do, why don't we head on to the next house?" Janice asks.

''Sounds like a plan." Dipper says. We head to the next house. I cross my fingers, hoping that this house isn't as horrible as the last one. We pull up to a little stone house not too far down the road from the first. It has a tiny porch, a stone chimney, and it looks like a children's playhouse because it's so tiny. We step inside. It's cute, but tiny with only two rooms. The interior design is adorable, but cramped. If we choose this house, we'll be constantly tripping over each other.

The kitchen has all the necessary appliances, but again, it's too small. The bathroom is cramped, the backyard is tiny, and the living room is squashed together with the kitchen. It's even smaller than my apartment!

"So, what did you think?" Janice asks.

"Too small." Dipper and I say in unison.

"It was very cute, but too small. I like the interior design, but it was too smushed together. I don't think this is the house for us." I say.

Janice nods and we head on to the third house. When we pull up, I squeal. I think this is the one. I'm in love with it already. It's a two story brown-paneled house. It has a gorgeous wraparound porch with big windows and flower boxes, comfy chairs, and a sunroom! I practically skip up the front steps. I grab Dipper's hand and jump up and down impatiently waiting for Janice to unlock the door. It's perfect!

The kitchen has all modern appliances, but it also has kind of a homey feel to it, like Gramma's kitchen growing up. The living room has plush chairs and a piano! I love playing the piano! There are three bedrooms, just like I requested, two upstairs and one downstairs. We walk out to the backyard, and I jump for joy. There's a greenhouse full of flowers and gardening tools! I skip around the backyard like I'm five years old again.

"I take it that you like this one?" Janice asks.

"YES!" I scream. Dipper and Janice both chuckle. We get back into Janice's car and she drops us off at the park so we can decide on a house. I need to be serious.

"Number one is definitely out. It would've cost too much to renovate it, and we would never have the time to work on it anyways." Dipper reasons.

"Number two was too small. I could never see myself living there without going crazy. Plus, there were only two bedrooms, so if my family or your family came to visit, they'd have nowhere to sleep." I say.

"Well, there is one more option, but I don't think you like it." Dipper teases.

"I like it! I want it!" I yell. Dipper chuckles.

"Let's call Janice." he says in between laughs.

I whip out my phone and dial Janice really fast.

"Janice! We choose house three!" I yell into the receiver. Janice laughs.

"Okay, okay. I'll contact the sellers." she explains. I jump up and down and press the 'end call' button.

"WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!" I scream. I get a few judgmental looks from parents, but I don't care. This is the first step in becoming an adult!
[Two months later]

I bend over the garden, pulling out all the stubborn weeds. My daisies are doing nicely in the greenhouse. My life has been so much happier since I moved here with Dipper. I'm absolutely in love with the house and its charming features. I could totally see myself raising a family here.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this, because this was three days of writing! Thank you all so so much, and I'll see you when I see you! Bye!

-Hallie 😘

I'll Wait for You~ A Dipcifica fanficWhere stories live. Discover now