He likes me?

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Pacifica's POV
Dipper likes me? He likes me! Oh, my gosh, he likes me! But poor Candy... I never meant for her to be upset.

Dipper's been gone a while. Oh, there's Candy.
I walk over to her.
"Candy, I'm so sorry. I-" I begin. She pushes past me.
"Save your apology. I don't want to talk to my crush's crush." she says curtly.
Well, gee. I was trying to be nice.
I see Dipper walk out, with his head bowed.
"Oh, Dipper... Can I talk to you outside?" I ask.
He nods.
We step outside, and I turn to face him.
"Pacifica, about what I said-" he begins.
"It's all right, Dip. I'm just so overwhelmed. I didn't know she likes you. If I had known, I would've told you. She's very good at hiding her emotions. I mean, I can't even read my best friend's emotions! (After five years, all three girls had gotten very close. They were all best friends.)
He places his hand on my upper arm.
"Pacifica, don't beat yourself up about this. It's not your fault." he says. He sighs.
"If I had known that was what she was gonna ask, I wouldn't have said anything. I mean, I really like you, but I don't feel the same way about her. I mean, she's like my sister, and... I don't know." he says.
"I know this isn't the best place to tell you, but I like you too." I whisper. He looks shocked for a moment, but then a huge smile creeps onto his face. But soon, that smile turns into a teasing grin.
"So... are there other girls that like me?" he asks.
"Actually, yes. You wouldn't believe how many girls in the bathroom gush over you. 'Oh! Dipper's so cute and handsome!' 'Oh! I wish Dipper would notice me!'" I laugh.
He laughs and shakes his head. "That's not true."
"Yes it is! Here, next time I'm in there, I'll record it for you." I tell him. He laughs and hugs me.
"Let's go back inside. There's a party we can't miss." he whispers in my ear.
"Ok, Dipping Sauce." I tease.
"You promised you wouldn't call me that!" he hissed. I laugh and loop his arm with mine.
"Let's go!"
WOW! Two updates in one day?! Lucky...
-Hal 😍

I'll Wait for You~ A Dipcifica fanficWhere stories live. Discover now