Take Me Home

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Time: Few years after Endgame
Location: Earth, Norway
OST: Guns N' Roses, Paradise City
Words count: ~4300
Published: 24 October 2021


Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Take me home (oh, won't you please take me home)


After all you have seen, lived, suffered and survived, nothing could really surprise you anymore. You received regular e-mails from a racoon, after all, so honestly what could?

Therefore, once you narrowed what unmistakably looked like a time-space portal opening in the sky and a human shape drop from it and fall down on the ground, right in the middle of the road, that didn't made you bolt that much.

You speed up your motorcycle and slowed it down just when you closed the gap with the site of the impact, stopping right in front of the human-shape hole that had been cracked in the asphalt around where a poor guy was laying in.

Oh, gosh. That couldn't be. Is he really him?

Watching the guy grunting as he shakily stood up, neated his black, green and golden leather armour and annoyingly swept the dust covering it, your fingers reached for the base of your helmet, unlock the security button and tugged it off. Still straddling your motorcycle, you placed the helmet down into your lap; your freed y/c hairs curtained your face for a fraction of second before you flipped them backwards.


The guy shuttered and looked up, his shoulder-length corvine hairs whipping in the wind, and finally met your gaze, his eyes much greener than you had expected, his features even more beautiful than you could remember.

Your heart jumped in your throat and you hardly fought back the tears, together with the surging urge to run to hug him.

You are unmistakably him, you mischievous scamp, and you must have more lives than anyone else... Jeez, how is it possible that you are even hotter than the last time I saw you? Aren't you supposed to be just coming back from hell?!

You gave him a small smile as he straightened up in all his proudly glory, taking time to appreciatively survey your entire frame before opening in a funny grin.

How dearly I missed that stupid, lovely smirk... I mourned in secret for weeks and weeks, maybe more than anyone else, and here you are...

"I would have say yes, but apparently my day just turned greater, Lady."

His voice was as usual deep, silky, smooth and extremely sensual. You felt an accent of a shiver running down your spine as he slowly paced closer with an elegance and grace worth of a feline, his eyes flickering from your head to toe.

Oh, boastful and glorious as ever, but missing to deign to recognise who I am, you moron...

"Where are we, exactly?"

He asked politely, turning around with arms wide open, looking at the long, dark, desert road winding up to the horizon, slicing through endlessly fields of vivid green and golden crops surrounded by a stunning mountain chain.

"Norway... You are not from around here, are you?"

You asked him equally politely, trying to conceal a smug smile under your chin.

"You really don't know who I am?!"

From how his brows skidded to his hairline and his eyes widened, he seemed highly surprised about your lack of knowledge about the perfect stranger who had just fallen from the sky.

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