Winter Wonderland

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Time: A couple of years after NY wormhole
Location: Earth, NY
OST: Maroon five, She will be loved
Words count: ~ 5300
Published: 1 November 2021


Beauty queen of only eighteen,
she had some trouble with herself
Look for the girl with the broken smile,
Ask her if she wants to stay a while
And she will be loved


You were enjoying a couple of well deserved hours off, sitting upright against the backrest of your fluffy bed with your laptop onto your legs, your favorite Netflix series playing on it, headphones on your head, when your mobile buzzed against your side. You rolled your eyes hitting the pause button, as you saw the picture of Iron man with his thumb up appearing on the screen, Tony's name flashing above it.

"Uhm?" You answered the call, your mouth full of popcorn. "Y/N, have I ever told how you are my favorite member of this amazing gang we are?" Your eyes narrowed as you swallowed the popcorn and pressed the phone closer to your ear. "Tony, what did you do?" "Why do you assume I did something?" "Because I happen to know you. What's the matter today?"

You heard him sigh heavily on the other part of the phone "I can't withstand him anymore, Y/N. He is getting on my last nerve... He is annoying, and controlling, and know-it-all..." "Yeah I know how he is, get to the point." "Well, I may have triggered him... again..."

"WHAT? Why in the hell did you constantly tease him, if you know how he reacts?"

"I didn't say anything! Well, anything too bad... let's not get on technicalities now. I... I need you down here." "Where are you?" "Hiding in the small closet of the Lab, perhaps?" You could have practically visualize Tony crouching in the dim light of the closet, as well as imagined his pleading expression as he attempted to hold his natural smirk but failed miserably just by the tone of his voice.

"Hold on, I'm coming" you huff at him and ended the call, dragging out of the bed.

Growling between yourself about the though of what you were sure you would have found down at the lab, you got quickly out of you pajama, zip up a pair of black jeans, throw on a plain teal turtleneck sweater and tie your most comfortable combat boots. Better be ready for any eventuality.


A full-tilt diva and a man with a gigantic-ego were way too much for a single house, sometimes. Yes, even if it was the damn highest and biggest tower in the centre of NY.

Not to talk about the other multiple, various personality's issues each of the team members had inadvertently brought to your attention, or better to say, that you had been able to read through them.

Pathokinesis was your greatest gift, and once you had been recruited by SHIELD, back two years ago, Fury almost immediately sent you to join the Avengers project, in the attempt to make everyone work well together and... well, to soothe potential 'divergences', such as the couple of significant skirmishes between Tony and Steve, which didn't burst into a real fight and tear the team apart just because of your intervention, for great relief of everyone and especially of Fury.

You had discovered you could feel the emotions of those around you as well as manipulate them according to your content back to your youth ages. You consciously controlled the manipulative aspect of that ability, and had learnt how to grow it and channel it properly: you were perfectly able to soothe people tempers and anger, even the Hulk's one, break up fights and so on. Of course, you had the gift to befriend basically anyone, but sometimes it was frustrating not knowing if people liked you for real, or just if because they were affected by your powers.

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