Chapter Twenty-Nine

577 30 71

Trigger warning: blood, injury detail

"Ok right so we made it here, what now?" Eris said breaking the silence that had last for many many minutes.

The silence was kind of getting boring.

Oh wow, they are in front of twelve oversized chairs. Oooooo a true day for sightseeing, Triton thought sarcastically.

In his opinion, the throne room was overrated. Why would you want to care about twelve big chairs? Its not like you can sit in them.

But the chairs were quite pleasing to look at, if you liked that sort of thing.

A throne of vines which wove in and out, creating elaborate patterns with blue grapes full of wine placed strategically. It looked like a wine yard grew into a single chair. Supposedly the throne of Dionysus could completely intoxicate a mortal, if they could so much as smell a single one of the famous fruits. It was unknown what they could do to a god because if Dionysus was in the throne he lessened the effect. But it was rumoured that if a god was near the throne without the power of Dionysus lessening the effect they would immediately go insane. Unable to control their own body until the effect wore off.

Right now Triton was standing next to it and he didn't feel any different. Such a scam.

Next to it was an open oyster of a beautiful pale white colour, shining in the light the storm provided. Lavish cushions were stuffed inside, coated with perfect pure white feathers and the red petals of roses. It was beautiful, but the beauty only concealed what was underneath. Thorns, knives and blood splattered petals that had a suspicious scent. There was some stains on the luxurious red cushion, done in such a way that it looked like a heart; some were broken. Beautiful and deadly, just like love, just like Aphrodite.

Next to the deadly oyster was a seeming simple seat, cosy, comfortable, the works. The wood of the backrest rose up behind, a carving of an owl taking up most of the room. It was- nice, but it was obvious that weapons were concealed at every vantage point. A dagger disguised as a drawing, a spear along the side and a sword under the seat. At first it was simple, but at a second glance it was obvious- unsurprising - Athena's throne mirrors her train of thought.

Next to that one was one that Triton did not want to think anything bad about, for fear that the owner would find him and hunt him down. A chair carved from wood, moonlight shinning in the groves and cracks. It was worn, but still useful. It radiated the old and ancient power of nature. It had nothing on it that would immediately tell anyone that it is the throne of Artemis, but just by looking at it, it made the throne room shift from a bright room to a lush forest.

The next throne was a tree. A tree growing out of the smooth, impossibly clean, floor. It curved around in the middle into a wide chair. The branches rejoined as the tree went upwards. Random fruits grew all over the tree; apples, mangos, bananas and pears. Leaves were scattered at the base of the tree, one turned orange when Thanatos stepped too close.

The next was filled with precious gems and jewels. Pure white marble that arched up at the backrest in elaborate peacock feathers. (Triton may or may not have laughed at the cow print cushion that was sitting on the chair).

The next one was annoyingly taking the centre of the room. At the moment it was a blank canvas of a glass throne with a swirling storm inside. If Zeus was throwing a tantrum the storm on the inside could become the storm on the outside.

Triton honestly wouldn't be surprised at that, especially since that ba- Zeus hurt his boyfriend or his angel. Whatever. Same thing- hopefully.

The throne after that was clearly the superior one. A simple fishing chair that held the power and might of the sea. The magnificent, the amazing, the awe-inspiring throne of a dude who can barely function in the morning unless his wife wakes him up. Even then he has severe issues, both with waking up and with life. It's the throne of the one and the only Poseidon. The idiot had even left his fishing rod still leaning against the green weatherbeaten material. Some droplets of water reaching it from the small waterfall that cascaded over the back of the throne.

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