Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Once again, I'm very sorry that this took so long. School sucks and I'm going through the first trackings right now :/

Trigger warning: blood, violence

Thanatos didn't like the plan that much. It was confusing, had many layers and it spread their numbers thin.

But he had to admit it was good.

But still, he didn't like it, it was quite forward.

Thanatos was not forward, he preferred to wait until-

Lightning darted up and struck the sky, instantly darkening it and blocking Olympus from the outside world. The clouds swirled and formed a giant serpent that dove down towards the ground and disappeared before breaking through the ground in front of him.

Thanatos jumped back, his form flickered.

Eros looked at him and raised an eyebrow as he tried to stay in one form. "You realise that after the next one, we're next?"

"Shut up," Thanatos said while his form switched back to skeletal again.

"Nope, this is amusing to watch." Eros leaned against a pillar of Artemis' temple, wearing a huge grin.

Thanatos scowled, changing back to his humanoid form momentarily.

Nemesis looked over, "Boys stop fighting."

The two gods froze and stared at her. Standing side by side, they were complete opposites. Eros' bright white wavy hair a stark contrast to Thanatos' dark curls.

Thanatos faintly wondered whether he should stab his sister, or at least attempt to. When she turned around a dagger formed in his hand, he moved to aim.

No one will ever know, he thought to himself. No one has to know.

Nemesis was saved from being impaled by the ground beneath their feet. It began to shake, slowly at first. Within seconds the ground began to crack, falling apart.

Thanatos and Eros began to fly slightly above the ground. Escaping the ground but being bullied by the wind.

The robes that the two gods had wore melted away as they flew out of the temple before they ran the risk of being crushed under it. Nemesis and Moros came out after them before flying off together in the direction of where the second group would be.

Thanatos and Eros flew off to look for stray gods to redirect into a diversion.

Like the other two groups, theirs was also a distraction. They had to direct gods towards the traps set and where the groups were lying in wait.

Thanatos spotted a flash of blue lightning arching towards the sky and he grinned. "I call Zeus!" he yelled over to Eros before diving towards the King of the Gods as green lightning flashed behind him.

Eros muttered something about 'gramatic ducking grass mole death lods'.

Thanatos landed silently behind the god. Not having been seen, he wanted to act quickly and get the Tartarus out of their.

With minimal injuries preferably.


Fingers crossed anyway.

Thanatos summoned his scythe and double checked that he was in his skeletal form before leaning on the scythe. Acting bored (he could actually do it quite well, it also helped that he rarely cared about anything).

"Hey, you're Zeus right? Not as impressive as I thought you would be," Thanatos drawled.

He immediately had to duck to avoid his clothes burning off.

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