Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Trigger warning: blood, injury detail

They all stood together, walking in silence. At some point Eros had joined them. Thanatos had given him his cloak to hide his white wings and hair.

Triton chose to ignore that.

He looked over at his angel. Just a glance to make sure that he was still at his side. Something was wrong with him. Maybe he got injured or something, he didn't tell them where he had been before he showed up. Only when Eros showed up did the 'chaotic' group find out that Thanatos decided to piss off Zeus.

Triton was convinved that Thanatos was injured somehow. When they had passed a shrine to Ares, the god had thought he heard something and turned his head to face it. Then almost immediately after that he raised a hand to the spot between his shoulder and neck. Once Thanatos had noticed that they were all watching his movements he dropped his hand and continued walking. Quietly telling them that he had thought he had heard something but must have imagined it. He said nothing about his expression of pain or his hand hovering protectively over his shoulder.

Hecate stopped from where she was leading the group, "Ok what direction now?"

The was path split into two by a statue of Artemis standing in position to shoot an arrow towards the sky. On either side of them the buildings were crumbling, destroyed or on fire.

The other groups had done their work. They provided a distraction.
That was what all the groups had to do, cause a distraction, spread the gods thin and take them down.

And now, they were moving in to the last part of the plan.

There came a chorus of "Left,"'s in reply to Hecate's question.

As the rest of the group began to walk again, Triton grabbed Thanatos' left arm.

Thanatos tensed and hissed through his teeth while Triton held him in place. The rest walked on without them after Triton gestured for them to go on.

"Take your top off," Triton told the angel once the rest were out of earshot. He didn't need them to find his way about anyway, he had memorized the layout of Olympus. Also Kym would probably leave something to direct him where to go if there was another split in the path.


Triton crossed his arms, "I said take your top off."

Thanatos slightly stepped back, raising a hand up to his shoulder. "Why?"

"You're hurt, now either you take it off or I can rip it off."

Thanatos just stared at Triton for a moment. Then he shook his head and laughed. Stepping closer he put his arms around him, but Triton only felt the pressure of one arm holding him.

Triton froze, "Wait no you were supposed to take your top off?"

"Please don't change," Thanatos whispered in Tritons ear.

"As in change clothes or change personality?"


Triton rolled his eyes but smiled and hugged his angel back. Enjoying the feeling of his arm around him and his wings sheilding them from the wind.

He pulled back, "Now will you undress for me?"

Thanatos looked away from him, "Do I have to?"

"Yes you do."

Thanatos grumbled but still vanished his wings for the second it took for him to take off the top.

Triton near gagged.

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