Chapter Eleven

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Present?: 1990s Wandavision - 

"Oh good, you're awake!" You smile brightly as Vision begins to sit up, blinking in confusion and looking at his shoulder. "Yeah, thought we'd lost you there for a moment." He makes a pained noise as he touches were he remembers falling apart the night before.

"Yeah, I'm not great at this gig, I gotta be honest. It doesn't really speak to my skill set. I put in for the bearded lady, but this alabaster complexion wasn't fooling anyone."

"Who is she taking too?" Vision looks up at you and you both look at Darcy. 

"I'm not sure.... the cameraman?" You both slowly start walking towards, what once was SWORD and is now a Circus. "I think we're in the 90s." 

"Can I help you two, creepers?" Darcy asks as you make your way over tentatively. 

"You don't remember me from last night? We locked eyes. There was a unspoken understanding."

"Um, hard pass."

"Still Darcy" You smirk as she unchains herself before walking away. 

"No, wait. Wait up." 

"Vision, she can't speak to us, not unless one of us get inside her head..." You follow him, almost skipping in speed to march along side him as you chase Darcy thought the tents.

"No, no, no. Please. Just hear me out. All right. I believe that you were part of a team monitoring a supernatural anomaly. And now... Well, you're in it."

"Fine." Darcy sighs "I'll go out with you, but I'm ordering the lobster." 

"This is ridiculous Vision" You roll your eyes "oh no look at mime! His tray is getting too heavy!" You say in a very unconvincing manor distracting onlookers and Darcy herself.

"Oh, your bad back! ... Ooh. Whoa! Okay. Ooh. Whew."

"Awake?" You ask after removing your hands from her temple, the blue myst fading away from round your hands and round her head. 

"Ooh, uh, yeah." Darcy wobbles slightly as she rubs her head. 

"All right?" Vision asks seriously.

"Ooh. Oh, hello, self. You know, part of me secretly wanted a guest spot on the show, but seriously, that sucked."

"What is your name? Your real name?" You ask arms folded, you weren't sure these new adaptations of your powers were real or stable. 

"Darcy Lewis."

"Dr. Darcy Lewis. I intercepted a communication regarding your work." Vision says out-loud. 

"Hey, the lions just got off stage. You're up." A circus act comes marching over to you angrily. 

"Dr. Lewis, we have questions." Vision suddenly looks at her a feeling a little out of time. 

"I have answers."

"I think we should we take this convo on the road?" You motion to the car, you create a portal to get you guys to the car, the portals had been unreliable of late, you think it was Wanda's magic making sure you didn't leave. 

"You two are up."

"No, I'm so sorry. Doctor and I have a prior engagement." You pull Darcy towards the portal but the man grabs her.

"She's not going anywhere."

"Right..." You huff as you launch a strong punch to the mans face.

"Oh, no!" Vision gasps.

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