Chapter Two

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- Present?: 1950s Wandavision -

"Oh, Y/N! You're a life-saver!" Wanda cooes as she opens the back door for you and you come in with some pots, pans and ingredients. 

"What kind of housewife would I be if I didn't have a gourmet meal for four just lying about the place?" Laughter.

"Well... Not that James ever wants to eat anything but dessert, he's got a sweet tooth on him! Oh, my!" You exclaim at the pot neither you nor Wanda had knocked over falling...without thinking before the lid could go crashing too you zap it away using a portal, not sure where it went. 

"Oh! Oh!" Wanda said at the noise and then the portal. 

"I'd forgotten I could do that..." you look at your hands. 

"So had I..." and then you both laugh heartily before you hear Vision shouting though from the living room. You pick up the fallen pot and place it back on the side. 

"Oh, thank you, Agnes. I think I've got it covered from here." But Wanda doesn't look so sure. 

"Oh, are you sure, dear?"


"Many hands make light work. And many mouths make good gossip." You wiggle your brow.

"You're so naughty!... Maybe stay a little longer then?" She asks carefully and you smile "James won't mind?" 

"Oh no dear! He's probably at home reading the hobbit again!" You laugh heartily. You heart bursting at the thought of your beloved sergeant sat in his armchair reading his book. Usually you would be sat on his lap nestled into him as he read to you, playing your hair but tonight there was an emergency and something stirred in you to alway help out. Suddenly the shutters separating the kitchen from the dining room/ living room opened and you saw the shocked face of your guest and vision. You quickly flicked your hands in the guests direction, causing them to see a vision of just Wanda cooking the smile eyes blue like the tesseract before Mrs heart turns round and back to vision you let the spell drop as Wanda closed the shutters.

"Phew" You laugh and then get back to work, well you watch at Wanda magically creates a world of floating cooking items in the room... as he looks towards the main course she burns the chicken. 

 "Oh, no, too much!" She gasps before trying to undo what she'd done. "Oh, no, not enough!" Laughter. 

"Oh, what was I supposed to do next Y/N?" You both look though the floating recipe cards "Oh, what was the main course again?" 

" It was... Steak... No. Steak... Steak... Diane!" You call triumphantly and then wince as you hear the music stop in the living room and you realised you we're loud. Theres a pause, as Wanda sees to the lobster you both panic on hearing the kitchen door, in a moment of fluster Wanda launches the lobsters at you which you catch, well, you allow to fly though a portal, again not quite knowing where too. 

"How can I be of assistance?" You both relax slightly as Vision walks in. 

"Well, the chicken is no longer a chicken and the lobsters just flew the coop so the steak is the last man standing. It says here I can cut down the prep time with a meat tenderizer." Wanda fills him in, fast. 

"Excellent plan. Where's the tenderiser?" Vision ask as Wanda hands him what you yourself call a meet hammer despite James reminding you that not what it's called. 

"I'm looking at him."


"Hoo-hoo in there!" Mrs Heart pops her head in, opening the shutters.

"Hoo-hoo back to you!" Wanda smiles as she closes the shutters again. 

"Finish the meat" She points at Vision. "Find the lobsters." She points at you  "I'll be right back." She flicks off her apron before handing it to vision and then leaves for the front room whilst you check the back garden for lobsters. Where on earth had you thrown them. After a few minutes you head to the backdoor but no one answers so you go to the front. 

"Coming!" You hear Wanda's stressed voice though the door. 

"Oh, you didn't answer the back door. I couldn't find the lobster but here, you bring a pineapple out from behind your back, almost as if by magic "For your upside-down cake." Wanda grabs it then your eyes widen as you see the guest staring "oops" and with that Wanda closes the door on you. You walk away feeling it all rather comical. 

. . . 

"Doll you're back!" 

"Yes I am James darling." he puts down his book patting his knee for you to sit joining him. 

"How did it go?" 

"Well I think they sorted it, bless them they really are an odd couple." You both titter affectionally. "I accidentally portaled their lobsters into the abyss." You remark.

"Ah so that's what there were!" You see Bucky reach down the side of the sofa and pull out two lobsters. Looking at him red faced and the both of you laughing heartily you mumble sorry. 

"Its alright, just means you were thinking of me." He beams kissing your check, before turning back to his reeding.

"Have you met the neighbour?" You ask curiously.

"We have lots of neighbours darling..." he muses.

"Agnes... nosy type." You say gaining his attention.

"Say, yes there was someone like that snooping about our garden today..." 


"Yes says she wanted to borrow some sugar..." 

"What did you say.." 

"I lent her some... why?" 

"Nothing..." there was a pause "oh well" you yawn loudly.

"Bed time doll?" 

"Bedtime" You agree and you both head up to bed... the night closing in on you both almost as if someone was turning off an old TV. 

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