Chapter 2

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"I'm just saying mates aren't everything that's all" I say trying to end this losing battle with Casey.

"Logan you don't know what your saying. You've never experienced the connection mating has" Casey says while smiling at Leyton.

"Yeah man I used to think like you, but now I get what your dad says. Its amazing and I wouldn't trade it for anything" Leyton says chiming in on my losing battle.

"I don't get the likability of it. My dad lost my mom and that nearly killed him. Who would want to have such a deep connection with someone where if there mate dies it can nearly kill themselves?" I ask still not believing that mates are everything.

"Logan your looking at it wrong" Taylor says deciding he wants to also give his input. Taylor also has a mate her names Jesse. They found each other when we were fourteen, when Jesse's family joined our pack.

"Mates are the one thing the moon goddess gave us to cherish. They are given to provide strength, a shoulder to lean one, and someone to trust our life's with. They aren't meant to be seen as a burden, they are a gift" he explains trying to sway my view. I shrug still not wanting to listen.

"I can't see my self risking my life for someone else or nearly dying because they die. Plus my job is to lead not be worried if my mate is just protected" I say running my hand threw my hair frustrated.

"You wouldn't die for me or even Peyton?" Leyton ask sounding hurt.

"Of course I would your like my brother and she's my little sister, but that's different" I say not understanding where he would get that assumption from.

"No Logan it's not different. The connection you would have with your mate will be deeper then yours with Leyton or Peyton trust me" Casey says giving me the opening to drop the conversation.

"Fine okay whatever you guys say" I tell them hoping it will be enough for them.

"Where is the little munchkin anyways?" Taylor ask changing the subject.

"Not sure really" I tell him struggling my shoulders. "Marco" I yell so she could hear me where ever she is.

"Polo" we hear be yelled back. A few minutes later she appears with a big smile.

"What's up guys?" Peyton ask while jumping up and down.

"What are you doing?" Taylor ask watching my sister hop from one place to another.

"Why you miss me Tay-Tay?" She ask running up to him. He scrunched his nose up at the silly nickname.

"Don't call me that munchkin" he tells her trying to be nice.

"But Tay-Tay is so cute. Oh and I have to go me and Riley are going to grandma and grandpa's for a week" she says while kissing taylors cheek and running over to do the say to Leyton. After saying bye to them she comes and throws her self into my arms.

"Bye Logan I'll miss you" she says hugging me as tight as she can.

"I'll miss you too" I tell her while kissing her cheek and sending her off.

We sit in silence for a while after Peyton left not really knowing what to do.

"Logan, paper work now" my dad commands making me scramble out of my seat and hustle to his office.

(Layton played by William Moseley)

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