Captivated 35

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Chapter 35: Life As We Know It


Two months. That's all it takes is two months to be the happiest person on the planet. Two months to be so excited about becoming a parent,to be so ready to take on a new life.

But it only takes one second for that happiness to be wiped away. One second for everything in your life to turn upside down and completely torn apart.

Those two months came and gone so fast.

Hero and I were so happy. We went all out. Completely crazy even though I hadn't hit the second trimester yet. We cleaned out one of the guest rooms in the penthouse and renovated it into a nursery. We got a crib, painted the wall a light yellow color since we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl yet. We bought a shit ton of toys and other baby excesseries that we would need for a new born. Diapers, bottles, formula, car seat and other important things like that.

Hero was so hellbent that we were having a boy. But me on the other hand, I wanted a baby girl. She would have my looks but still have Hero's strength and personality. Hero's guess was that the boy would have his looks but be a big softy like I was.

One of the reasons why he wanted a boy so bad was so that he could teach him how to love and respect a woman. He wanted to make him into the best man that he could be so that he didn't end up anything like Jacob Daniels or any other men who abused and raped women.

It was kind of the same with me wanting a girl. I would teach her how to be strong and independant, and to stand up for herself. Teach her to not run away from her problems and to face them head on, unlike her mother at some points.

And as for work, Hero has been going easy on me. It's not like we have the hardest job in the world. We literally read all day and take notes on the books.

He's been giving me one manuscript a day which angers me. That's like this morning, I walk into my office and see one manuscript laying on my desk. I sigh, walking over to it and looking at it. I sit my purse down and walk out of my office. I go down to Hero's door and don't even bother knocking. I walk in and he is sitting at his desk typing something on his computer.

He looks over at me and instantly smiles. I walk over to his desk and sit down on the edge.

"Hey baby." He says and goes back to typing.

"Don't you 'hey baby' me." I say and he looks up.

"What's wrong?" He asks and stops what he is doing. "You." I say and his brows furrow.

"You're going easy on me." I say and he sighs.

"Yeah because you're carrying my child, I don't want you to over work yourself." He says and I huff.

"It isn't like we have the hardest job to do." I say and he leans back in his chair.

"True but it is very stressful-" He says but I cut him off. "Not really, Hero." I say and he sighs.

"Baby, I just want you to take it easy okay." He says and I roll my eyes.

"If I don't work like normally, I will go out of my freaking mind. I need something to do besides read one book and then sit in my office for the rest of the day." I tell him and he nods.

"Fine, I'll give you three manuscripts a day like you're used to." He says and my face breaks into a smile.

"But... you will not stress yourself out over it. Whenever you get finished reading, you can come in here with me." He says and I nod.

"That's fine with me. As long as when I come in here, you make it worth my time." I tell him and he smirks at me.

"Trust me, I will." He says and I chuckle. "Okay, I'm going to work now." I say and he nods.

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