Captivated 31

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Chapter 31: Let You Down


I'm sitting in the doctor's office. I wanted Hero to come with me but he said that Mr. Blossom wanted him to look over a few manuscripts so he told me to call when I'm done. I don't remember much from last night. All I remember when Hero brought me home and we had sex. We started in the living room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and of course the bed. I'm not sure why we were so wound up but we did it like 5 times.

'I'm gonna take you into the bathroom, and fuck you against the sink, just like you wanted me to at the club'

I lose my breath just thinking about that one sentence he told me last night while we were about to come undone on the couch. I think about all of the times he pushed in and out of me, making me scream his name. I'm so lost in my mind that when the nurse calls my name, I jump in surprise.

"Ms. Langford" I nod my head and stand up, walking over to her. "Right this way." She says and walks through the door. I walk in behind her and she leads me to a small room. When we get in there, she hands me a gown to change into.

"Change into this, have a seat and the doctor should be in shortly." She says and walks out. I walk into the bathroom and change. I wait patiently for the doctor when I'm done, sitting in one of the chairs. After a few minutes, she comes in and smiles at me sweetly.

"Hello there Ms. Langford. I'm Dr. Baker." She says and I smile up at her. "It's nice to meet you." I say and she nods. "Dido." She says. I stand up and shake her hand.

"If you'll just have a seat on the table, we'll get you examined." She says and I nod. When I'm seated on the table, she tells me to lay back and spread my legs. She examines me and starts asking me questions.

"I'm not gonna ask if you're sexually active because you wouldn't be looking to get on birth control if you weren't." She says and chuckles a little, so do I.

"Do you want to be on the pill or the shot? Personally, I prefer the shot because most women forget to take the pill everyday. But if you're a person who doesn't forget then I would-" She starts but stops in the middle of her sentence. She pops her head up and has a concerned look on her face.

"Is everything alright Dr. Baker?" I ask her, worry clear in my voice.

"Yes, I will need to run a few tests on you really fast and then we'll talk more about the options you have." She says, her voice clipped. "Okay..." I say, unsure of anything else to say. She takes off her gloves and throws them in the trash.

"I'll be back shortly Ms. Langford." She says and gives me a small smile before walking out, leaving me with my thoughts. What is wrong? She was talking and joking one minute and then it was like everything shifted. What did she see? She seemed worried. She comes in after a few minutes with another nurse and they walk over to me.

"Okay, so we're gonna take you back and get a few scans of your uterus. I don't want to worry you because nothing is for certain just yet. Your pelvis is inflammed, which is usually a sign of infertillity but it could just be nothing." She says and my breathing gets caught in my throat.

"I might be infertile?" I ask just above a whisper. "You shouldn't worry just yet. We're going to run a few test to make sure that you aren't." She says and I nod, gulping harshly.

"Nurse Kelly is going to take you down." She says and I nod, standing up off of the bed. We walk down to a small room where the nurse runs a few tests on me. When she's done, she takes me back to the room I was previously in. We passed the doctor on our way back so I'll be alone with my thoughts once again.

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