Captivated 3

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Chapter 3: Maybe


"Good night Josephine." I say to her and turn around, walking back to my lonely house. I go around the corner with a small smile on my face. I honestly think that I'm making progress with her. She smiled and laughed, she held my hand even though she hesitated a little. She does that a lot, she thinks that I don't notice but she flinches away, she hesitates and many other things that make me think she is scared to get to know me. She even said it last night that if we were to be together, she needed to know that I wouldn't leave her after she learns to love me. She didn't say those exact words but that's what it meant.

The next morning, I wake up and make my way to the coffee shop to get my coffee before I go to work. I'm looking forward to seeing Josephine today. When I get my usual black coffee, I walk to work and when I get there, I go straight to my office. When I'm sat down and start reading more of Our Happily Ever After, there is a small knock on my door. Finally, I get to see the girl of my dreams.

"Come in." I yell and when the door opens, I don't see the person that I want to. "Good morning Hero." Cheryl says and I smile a small smile. "Good morning." I say and look down at the manuscript on my desk. "Were you expecting someone else?" She asks and I sigh. "Kind of." I say and look up at her.

"What can I help you with?" I ask and she walks over to me. "I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight?" She asks and my mouth opens slightly. "Um... I'm kind of... talking to somone. I will eat lunch with you, though. You know, as friends." I say and her face lights up. "Sure." She says and I can't help but ask her what's been on my mind.

"Have you seen Josephine today?" I ask and she thinks about it a little bit. "No, she called in today." She says and I nod. She turns around and walks out of my office. Maybe I should go see her. I pick up my phone and dial Mr. Blossoms number.

"Hero, my star reader. What can I do for you?" He asks and I chuckle. "I've got some arrands to run, can I take off for the rest of the day?" I ask and I hear him chuckle a little. "Of course you can. Just clock out and go do your thing." He says and I thank him so many times. He tells me that it's all good so I head out.

When I get to her bulding, I walk in and ask the man at the front desk where Josephine's apartment is. He says that it's on the 3rd floor, door 217. I thank him and get onto the lift, going up to the third floor. I walk down to apartment 217, and knock slightly on the door, waiting for someone to answer.



When I got back up to my apartment, I took a really long hot shower. I felt so happy all night, I'm not completely sure why, it's not like he confessed his love for me. But he did tell me that he'll wait for me to be ready for a relationship. I'm not sure what this could mean for me, it could mean that I could finally be happy with myself, I could be happy with him. I just don't know how to be happy, I haven't been in so long so I don't know how to climb out of this hole that I built and buried myself in for so long. Then if I do make it out, I'll have to get beyond the walls I've built around myself, that's going to be the hardest thing for me to do. It's going to be hard for me to trust him, to trust that he won't ever hurt me.

When I got out of the shower, I went to my bed, and layed down. I stared up at the ceiling, thinking more about how I'm supposed to trust in him, even if I can trust him. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, he kept me up all night, which is very unusual. Even when my alarm went off, I turned it off and just layed there. When Kevin came in to get me, I still didn't get up, and when he asked what I was thinking about, I didn't tell him.

He called into to work for me, he even took off so that he could stay with me. He is sitting on my bed, just looking at me as I stare back at him. "Are you going to tell me what happened now?" He asks and I close my eyes, seeing Hero infront of me. I open my eyes again, seeing Kevin looking at me weidly. "I met someone." Is all I say but that's all it takes for his mouth to fall open wide.

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