Captivated 5

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Chapter 5: Dinner Date


Hero left my apartment and I felt lonely without him here with me. I feel like I've turned into this clingy girl that can't spend even a few seconds without her boyfriend. One part of me wants him to spend all of his time with me, no time apart. But the other part of me wants to push him away because I'm afraid that he'll hurt me, even though he promises that he won't.

I get up off of my bed get ready for work. I pull out a black pair of ripped jeans, and a white button up shirt that is tucked into the jeans. I loop a black thin belt around my waist and put light makeup on. I brush out my hair and walk to the kitchen. Kevin isn't in there so I guess that he's sleeping or at work.

I walk out of the apartment and make my way to the coffee shop. When I get there, I see Hero outside waiting by the door with two cups of coffee in his hands. When he sees me, he smiles and hands me the coffee. "Hello beautiful." He says, making me smile. "Hi." I say and I take a sip of my coffee. I hum at the warm feeling that it brings me.

"What took you so long?" He asks and we start walking slowly towards the publishing house. "Well, I wanted to wear something decent for tonights dinner." I say and he chuckles. "Ohh." He says and I look at him weirdly. "What?" He says smiling at me. I take another sip of my coffee and he keeps staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask not looking at him. "No reason." He says and looks down at his feet, still smiling. "Some reason." I say challenging him. "Well, I find you kind of intemidating." He says and I scoff. Why would he find me intemidating? I'm not intemidating.

"Why would you? I'm a nice person." I say defending myself. "I didn't say that you weren't a nice person. I just find you as a strong independent woman who doesn't need someone to get her coffee and walk her to work every morning." He says while chuckleing. I look down and smile.

"True. But I wouldn't have anyone else do it if it wasn't you." I say honestly and look up at him. "Really? So if you met a dashingly handsome man and he offered to get you coffee and walk you to work, you wouldn't say yes?" He asks while smiling and I laugh.

"No I wouldn't because I already have a dashingly handsome man who gets me coffee and walks me to work." I say and he looks over at me with a huge grin on his face. "So you wouldn't trade me for someone else?" He asks and I wonder what he's getting at with these questions.

"Why would I want anyone else when I have you." I say and stop. He stops and looks down at me. "I'm glad that you wouldn't want to." He says and I lean up, kissing him slowly. I hum in approval when his lips touch mine, I would never want to get rid of this feeling. His kiss brings a slow burn of fire into my stomach, it feels absolutely wonderful, like he was meant for me.

We pull away and he takes my hand in his as we walk to work. When we get to the building, we walk in, hand in hand to the elevator. Everyone stares at us and I find it strange. We get into the elevator and we go up to our offices. We get onto the floor and we walk into the break room. I let go of his hand and walk over to the coffee pot, pouring some more coffee into my cup.

I walk back over to Hero and he smiles at me. We walk to my office and he leans down, kissing me. When he pulls away, he says, "I'll see you at lunch yeah?" And I smile, nodding my head. He walks down the hall and disapears around the corner. I walk into my office and see two manuscripts on my desk. I sit down and place my coffee down on the surface, and pick up the first manuscript titled 'Everything I wanted'.

When I'm about half way through, I hear a knock on my door. "Come in." I yell and place the manuscript down. Hero walks in with a look of concern on his face. "Where were you at lunch? I was waiting for you." He says and I look at him confused. I look down at my clock and it says 4:37. I look back up at him and chuckle. "I got engulfed by this manuscript so the time just... slipped away." I say nervously and he smiles, walking in my office.

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