Chapter Twelve

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Fang's POV
I heard a scream. Instantly I was set in protective mode. Jack ran out the door and we all followed. Then we flew into the sky and searched around. Then we saw Heavenly holding a knife to Heavenly? I was confused. We quickly landed and the one with a knife looked at us and stepped back.

"She tried to kill me and so I attacked her. S-she's a clone" she said.

"She's lying" Jess blurted out.

"Why would I be lying." She said.

Then I saw the other Heavenly get up and Jack stole the knife from the standing Heavenly.

"J-Jack. What are you doing" asked Heavenly #2 (the one who just woke up) Heavenly #1 looked at her.

"Get her. She's the clone. She's here to take you guys away. Jack please you have to believe me." Said Heavenly #1.

Real Heavenly's POV
I looked at Jack holding the knife. I was scared. Hopefully he wouldn't hurt me. Then he walked towards me with the knife. I looked over at the other me. She was controlling his mind.

"Jack listen to me. I know you can hear me. Please don't do this." I said. The other me was fending off the flock. I let out a scream.

"HEAVENLY" Fang yelled. I fell to my knees and the other me flew off. Jack's eyes widened in horror as he saw me fall to the ground. He caught me before I fell back all the way. I looked down at the knife. Tears fell down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean too. I-I'm so sorry" he said hugging me and crying into my neck.

"What is wrong with you Jack" Fang said and ran over to me. Jack looked at him.

"I-I didn't mean too" Jack said holding me close. Fang looked at Jack and keeled down next to me.

"Heavenly" Fang said but it sounded muffled a bit.

"Heavenly please stay with me. Come on you have to stay....." Jack said. But I didn't hear the rest of it. My eyes were still open but I could see darkness.

No! I can't die. Not now. Not like this.

I felt my life slip away slowly.

Hold on. I can't let go. I have to stay. PLEASE! NO! NO! NO!

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