Chapter Eight

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I flashed open my eyes Where am I? I thought. This place seemed familiar but I couldn't figure out how or why.

"Hey Heavenly." Said a male voice.

Who's Heavenly? I thought.

Then a guy came in. He had Brown hair. And he looked badly beat up.

"Hey your up. I'm glad your ok after that fight yesterday" he said and hugged me.


I buried my head into Jack's chest. Then someone broke down the door. Jack and I stood up and Jack hid me behind him. I held onto his arm. Then an eraser grabbed me and held me back. "JACK" I screamed. He looked back at me then some erasers started to beat him up. He fought back fiercely. The eraser held me tight and another one injected a syrum in my arm. I screamed and kicked him. He fell back but the other one banged my head against a window before I passed out I saw Jack melt the erasers.

Present day
I pushed the boy away. "Who are you? Where am I?" I asked.

"Heavenly it's me Jack. Your boyfriend. And your at home." He said.

"I don't understand" I said. "And don't call me Heavenly. Who is this Heavenly?" I asked.

"Come on. Stop messing around." He said with a nervous chuckle.

"I'm not joking." I said.

Next thing I knew he ran out of the room and soon there were more people in the room.

"Who are you guys?" I asked.

"You don't remember us do you?" A girl with blonde hair said.

I shook my head. Then I felt something feathery on my back. I touched my back. Then I felt wings. I gasped and they spread out. I screamed this was freaky. Next thing I knew I passed out.

Sorry short chapter. But hope y'all like it. Byeeeeee

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