Chapter Two

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I woke up the next day still in my cage. Still alive and still waiting for Jack. Jess and Dylan were asleep. I was alone in my thoughts. I sighed but then I heard the door open. Jeb walked in. He came over to my cage. "Today is your lucky day. We are going to enhance your vision. We are going to give you the best vision ever." He said. They did that to Iggy and he's blind. "No way. I'd rather be dead." I growled. He opened my cage and dragged me out. He held my wrist tight. "You are going to come with me" he growled. "Ok. But one more thing." "What" he asked. I punched him but it was to fast to see. He fell to the floor knocked out. "Sorry dad." I said smirking. I ran over to Jess and Dylan's cage. "Guys wake up" they both woke up. I broke the lock. "Come on let's go." I said. They got out. I grabbed their arms and ran really fast. Then jumped through a window. We flew high in the air. Free at last. I headed straight for home

Jack's POV

A year had passed. I never talked to anyone. I sat in my room. Wishing. Hoping she would come back. "Jack. Jack" yelled Max. She burst in. I looked at her. "Come downstairs" she said. We ran down stairs. There I saw her. She was back.

Heavenlys POV

Everyone parted from the hug and there stood Jack. My eyes widened and so did his. "Heavenly" "Jack" he walked over to me. He put his hand on my cheek. I put my hand on his. Our noses touched then I kissed him. We pulled apart. "I missed you so much" he said. "I missed you to" I said. "She never stopped talking about you" Jess said. He smiled and I smiled back.

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