Start from the beginning

"... I was taken to school last year but got suspended because of a... misunderstanding."

I pull my head forward to face him and raise my eyebrows to express my new found interest in the story.

"A misunderstanding?"

I repeat.

"Yeah... I've never really interacted with people that didn't appreciate honesty before, all my tutors and babysitters were super serious and my parents are the same way. They always say facts whether hurtful or not, and i thought everyone is like that. So, anyway, I ended up offending some guys and they tried to beat me up. But, I was trained in all kinds of fighting styles so I ended up taking them all down and got suspended and eventually expelled. I told my chauffeur what happened and he told me people tend to use... uhm... filters? When speaking to each other. So i had him explain to me what's okay to say and what isn't, then i came back to school. But you don't use filters... you're blunt and couldn't care less how your words affect others."

I frown at him as I process the words he just said, trying to determine whether he realizes that social deprivation is illegal.

"So your parents locked you up in your house and didn't allow you to socialize?"

I finally ask after a brief silence

"Well, they lost custody of me and i've been living with my aunt for two year-"

"- woah, woah, woah... I'm not a therapist dude. I don't need to hear about your issues..."

I stop him before he darkens the mood any further.


He asks so innocently as if he isn't even aware about how deep the situation is.

The bell rings, and I made a mental agreement with myself that I'd continue dancing once it did. I get up off the floor and walk to the center of the room.

"Another performance?"

Zaccai lets out

"Yeah, I'm tired of talking to you..."

Before I cover my ears with the headphones, Audrey, our new club captain's voice pierces my eardrums.

"What are you two doing here? This isn't a make out room!"

She screeches

"Uhm... he is by the door and I'm in the center of the room..."

I deadpan.

"Ugh... What are you even doing here Gordon."

"I could ask you the same thing but, if you must know, I hang out here every Wednesday afternoon because i have a free period."

The other seven dance club members show up one after the other. They probably planned an emergency meeting today but weren't going to bother telling me. Mike and Tess are visibly upset by my presence which, I'll be honest, makes me a little happy. Audrey commands us to all line up before her and, like soldiers, we do just that.

"Since we are all here..."

She starts and grinds her teeth when she says all, and subtly glares at me for a second.

"... I can introduce our newest member, or better yet... I'll let him introduce himself."

No, this can't be happening... This is a nightmare right? I must have fallen asleep when Dalton was talking and I'm now having this horrid dream because he is still talking and hasn't noticed I'm asleep.

"Hi! I'm Zaccai Dalton. I just transferred here..."

Dalton, who is also now in front of us and standing beside Audrey, introduces himself.

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