
I quaver.

"No... don't say it... please, please don't-"

He begs already knowing what I'm about to say.

"I can't... I can't forget what happened. I've tried, I've been trying but... I close my eyes and all I see is you and her... I can't do it. It hurts me so bad, like... I can't take a breath without it hurting..."

"I'm so sorry I did this to you... if I could take it back I would but-"

"- but you can't... and I can't just erase it from my mind either..."

My voice cracks and we both cry silently as we realize what's about to happen. I take a deep breath, count to three and just say it.

"I'm breaking up with you Eli..."

Those words hurt me more than I'd ever be able to explain. His head falls into his free hand as he sobs silently. I stand up while still holding the hand he had placed on my cheek; it feels so weak and drained. He slowly gets up and wipes his tears away with his sleeve. He runs his free hand through his hair then turns to look at me.

"I know I deserve this... I know what I did should actually earn me worse... but I don't know what I'll do without you Bev..."

He admits

"I don't know what I'll do without you either..."

I confess to both him and myself

"But what I do know is that it hurts too much to be with you right now and I can't handle it..."

I finish.

I let go of his hand as slowly as I can, take one final glance at him then walk away towards my house. I glance back and see him dragging himself towards his house. This is all for the best, if we stay together we'll just continue hurting each other.


I hold back tears to the best of my ability as I walk back home. I finally make it to my house, unlock the door with my keys and walk in as the nights events rewind and replay in my head.

"Someone's home early!"

Mom's voice calls from the kitchen. I remain silent and head straight for the stairs.


Mom calls as she walks out of the kitchen and into the hallway to check if it is indeed me who came in.

"I just got tired of the party..."

I try my best to sound as casual as possible as I struggle to pull myself up the stairs

"Sweetie... is something wrong?"

Those words seem to squeeze out the already heard to fight off tears. I manage hold them back by keeping my eyes open.

"I'm fine... like I said, I'm tired..."

I continue climbing up the stairs that seem much longer then I remember. I finally reach my room door at the end of the hallway. I open the door, walk in and shut it behind me. I drop my bag on the floor and try to make it to my bed, but my legs fail me and i end up falling on my knees {good thing my floor is carpeted}. I bury my face in my trembling hands as I quietly sob by myself. It is now when I realize how much the nights events actually affected me. I hear my door creak open but I don't even have the energy to pretend to be okay.

"Soooo... how was the-"

Ace starts before he notices the fact that I am crying.

"- Sarah?"

He rushes to my side and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I continue to sob, unable to control or suppress it anymore.

"What happened?"

Ace asks eerily but I can't even stop to answer.


My mothers voice joins in. She too rushes to my side and crouches down beside me.

"Oh... baby... what happened?"

She asks in a gentle tone.

"Would you believe me if I said I drunk too much alcohol and now I'm suffering from unstable mood swings?"

I finally manage to say.

"No... we wouldn't"

Mom and Ace say in unison.

"Oh well... worth a shot"

I quaver.

"Come on sis... what happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it..."

I confess

"Okay... we'll talk later..."

Mom considerately backs off.

"No... I don't wanna talk about it ever..."

I correct, causing the two of them to exchange concerned looks.

I really don't want to talk about or even think of this night ever again.

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