Chapter 0: Genesis

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"Two centuries ago after the third world war, Earth had finally had it with us she decided to get rid of us once and for all, Mother nature was tired of accommodating our excesses, and we paid dearly for our actions in the third world war- with our lives. The radiation levels made some parts of Earth completely inhabitable, and the few places that we could still live, were trampled on by natural disasters, diseases, and other unexplained phenomena. Thousa... no millions of lives were lost on a daily basis, humanity was waiting for its inevitable demise.

But then, a man had an idea, to change the world, his name was Aiden Smith. Aiden was a scientist from Simorr tech, an organization that dealt with building relieve machines for people in the apocalypse. Aiden discovered an ancient scroll that spoke of a gateway to another planet, which would save earth from destruction and he, together with his team, successfully discovered the location of this gate in Egypt's pyramids — a black hole in the Andromeda Galaxy. On returning from his voyage, the brought with him a tablet which showed the solution to Earth's problems, a relocation, the largest in human history... A total of 10million people carefully selected based on fertility, profession, and other unique traits were transported in 12 ships called arks, to another planet that Aiden named Minerva.

Whether Aiden and his team got to Minerva or not is completely unknown because he disappeared with a week after landing on Minerva. Since then no one has been able to locate him and so every year, we celebrate this great day on Minerva, Aiden's day! Do you have your Ai...". Michael turned off his radio and drove right to the front of his family house, it had been a long time since he was there, and he was really hoping he won't regret it. Michael had come  all the way from Neocity to his hometown to celebrate Aiden's day with his family.

Stepping down from his car he could already hear the screams of his childhood swing coming from the yard and with a sigh he went into his house. Michael wasn't exactly thrilled to be home for Aiden's day, due to a lot of reasons, the first however was the town, he always felt thought that something was off about this town, like what kind of town had a weird, unexplained electromagnetic barrier to hinder people from communicating with others outside the town unless they used telines, like why did they have to use some archaic cords scientists built for communication when they landed on Minerva, barely anyone used them anymore, except  the people of his town. Another issue he had was that, his parents felt that he should quit his current job in Neosoft and come home to continue the family business of baking. The Simpson family was one of the most respected bakers in their town due to their unique recipe, but Michael didn't want a part of it, he wanted to continue doing what he loved — being a programmer, Michael was the best of himself when it came to coding, at only 15 he had developed a game that got the attention of Neosoft, and he had gained their respect and trust in his 2 years working there.

Michael walked into the living room, lightly brushing every surface he could see, muttering to himself the things he was going to tell his father — "Hello, do you mind if I could celebrate Aidens day with the famil non...o... it should be like..." he was suddenly interrupted by the loud sound coming from the backyard.
The uncoordinated, unrhythmic sound sounded like splitting wood "there's only one person in the world that could chop wood like that" he said to himself smiling.
Reaching the backyard, confirmed his suspicion- "y'know, it's kinda rude to come to someone's house uninvited" she said.

"Oh come on, don't say you didn't miss me Iya" Michael said with a beaming smile, soon the both of them embraced themselves in a hug.

"You still have that tight grip Mikey, why are you here?" Iya asked

"I came to celebrate Aiden's day with my family" Michael replied proud, yet worried tone.

"I know man, but you shouldn't be here, your parents are by the lake with your sisters" she answered with an amused tone.

"But why didn't they tell me when I spoke to them on the teline" Michael asked with a disappointing look

"I don't know" Iya said with a dismissive tone. After talking to him about strange things happening in their town, such as the mayor's unexplained death, or the myth of Aiden sightings, she paused, her expression unreadable, was it fear, or determination, Michael really couldn't tell "it's time, help me carry those crates of beer over there, let's go meet your parents" she said.

Iya was a family friend, more like a part of the family in fact. Michael could still remember all the times her parents brought her to play. Unfortunately Iya's parents died when she was 14, and since then, the Simpsons had cared for her, and taken her in like their own.

Michael was interrupted from his thoughts by a shout from Iya "pick the other crates!" 

"Why does she drink this much?"he muttered to himself while picking up the crates.

Their journey to the lake was uneventful, except for the fact that he was still puzzled after Iya told him that the crates of beer were not for her, or his family, but for what she called "beer park".

Reaching the lake, he was welcomed with a hug from both his parents, with his fathers hug a bit tighter for some reason, something he really didn't expect, though he suspected that his father intention was to hug him tightly just to force the air out of his lungs till he collapsed. But with the bright smile on his father's face, he was beginning to think otherwise, that it was just an innocent, loving hug. This made him feel more comfortable about his visit. After the eating, and singing of Aiden's favorite song "birds" his father announced "let's go to beer park", curiosity kept on making him ask where beer park was, but everyone, including his 10-year-old sisters kept saying "you'll see".

On reaching the mysterious beer park, "Michael, please would you help me get those crates of beer to the gate?" Iya said, motioning to the trunk of the truck.

After dropping all the bottles of beer with a shadowy figure at the gate, Michael stood at the trunk of the car waiting for Iya to finish her conversation with the stranger, Iya and the shadowy figure seemed to have been communicating, only that the stranger seemed to be replying Iya in a guttural animal like sound which Michael couldn't comprehend.

After what seemed like hours, Michael could spot Iya coming back to the truck, with a frustrated look all over her face. 

"Looks like she's been arguing" Michael muttered to himself while entering the car.

Once Iya was at the window she leaned forward speaking in a hushed tone "Mr. Simpson, we have to bring more crates next time, Barney says it's not enough, but he let us off this time", Michael heard his father sigh, alright then, I just hope he eventually drinks himself to death, "James, language!" Mrs. Simpson said, earning only a scoff from Mr. Simpson. Suddenly the engine roared to live, and they were moving again

Beer Park was literally as creepy as its name, bottles everywhere, broken tables and so on, it looked like an abandoned cemetery with no tombstones and an unnecessary amount of mist. Mr. Simpson drove for a while before taking a sharp left and ascending a hill, on his way to the base of the hill, he muttered "tell him Iya"

Iya sighed turning to him "every Aiden's day in Dumbley, there is a million credit contest- to kill the monster" 

"You've got to be kidding me, that monster is dangerous" Michael said in a worried tone.

"Exactly why we need to kill it" Iya said with a smirk.

Mr. Simpson continued, "in all the previous years, all those that tried to kill it, died horrific deaths, last year however, Groddy jnr, farmer Groddy's son got close, but he was too slow to finish it, and yes he didn't die"

Mrs. Simpson continued "this gives your father the opinion that the monster is now old and weak, making it easier to kill " and when his father said "this year Iya was chosen to kill the monster" Michael's world stopped.

"What in the burning hell!".


What do you think about Michaels personality, or his family?

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