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Xirxine Operation "Omega".

"Chairpersons, we have an incoming transmission from the United States Air Force," Mr. Barakoa told the Xirxine chairpersons. "Inform them of the situation but reveal as little as possible. Save the legal explanations for the end of this battle."

"Understood, sir," CN1 replied. "Receiving transmission." She opened the Xirxine channel and swallowed hard before saying, "This is Chairwoman Renee Derschwitz of Xirxine Northwest. Who am I speaking with?"

"...Uh, Colonel Mark Walls of the 423rd Fighter Squadron, ma'am," came the hesitant response. "We're coming in from Singapore. Mind tellin' us what exactly's goin' on?"

"Well, we're currently waiting for a sign from—" CN1 paused, narrowing her eyes at the water, which was beginning to bubble and churn again—but more violently than before. "Hold on," she said, lowering her voice. "Something's happening."

"Hey, uh, Chairwoman? We're picking up a LOT of activity down there," Billiard reported tentatively. "It looks like the shoggoths are about to—"

The water around the point where the cultists had been heading suddenly erupted upward as countless shoggoths exploded out of the ocean and landed on the surface, letting out unearthly howls as they began attacking the Xirxine and Celestion transports.

"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! Hostiles engaging!" CN1 cried. "Pull up, pull up, pull up!"

"Holy cow pie!" Col. Walls shouted as his squadron broke formation. "What the heck are those things?!"

"Forget what they are! Just blow them up!" CN1 barked.

"I don't take orders from you, lady!" Col. Walls's fighter flew overhead, passing the XXNW transports. "All fighters, engage the hostiles! Take 'em down fast and take 'em down hard!"

That's when the shoggoths began sprouting wings.

"Oh, dear," CN2 said flatly.

The shoggoths screeched eagerly as they flapped their new wings, rising into the air as the bullets and lasers from the Celestions, Xirxine, and the Air Force singed their hides. Then they shot forward, attacking the fighters and transports as effectively as the vehicles themselves.

An all-out dogfight between the shoggoths and the airborne forces had begun.

            An all-out dogfight between the shoggoths and the airborne forces had begun

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"What's goin' on up top, Mistah B?" Davey asked, pressing a claw to his helmet. "'thulu just roared or somethin' an' I think he's startin' some crazy batcrap!"

"It's worse than you think, Davey," Mr. Barakoa replied in a grim tone. "The shoggoths are attacking the Celestions, Xirxine, AND the United States Air Force."

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